The Diary

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"I have the diary for you sir",
"Good, it might shed some light on what happened that night",

Alisha's diary


Dear diary,
My friend Abby has invited me over for a sleepover tonight because it is her 12th birthday. I can't wait to be 12, she's so lucky.
I also can't wait for the sleepover, it will be the third sleepover I've been to, so I'm really exited.
I have to go pack.


Dear diary,
I am just about to leave for the sleepover, Abby called me and said we might play some scary games, that's soooooo exciting! I have never played a scary game before. She also said it was pizza for dinner tonight and burgers tomorrow, my favourites.
I cant wait to see Abby, she's my best friend, and all my other friends too like Steph, Casey and Jess.
I have to go my mums calling me.


Dear diary,
We are waiting for Abby's parents to go to sleep so we can play a game. There are two people who I haven't met before here Stella and Caitlyn, but they're really nice. Steph, Casey and Jess are here too.
The pizza was really yummy.


Dear diary,
We have waited so so long and they are almost asleep, but I am Really tired and not sure if I'll be able to stay awake to play.
Never mind, Abby, Caitlyn and Jess snuck down stairs for some lollies and fizz, I'll stay awake now for sure!


Dear diary,
We played a weird game called 'light as a feather, stiff as a board', it was kind if creepy but so cool. Because it was her birthday Abby was the person lying down, Steph was at the head and the rest of us gathered around. We had to chant funny things over and over.
It didn't work the first couple of times because we kept getting distracted, but we were able to do it, she floated up in the air held by only a few of our fingers and landed with a crash when we realised what was happening. It was like we were in a trance? I think that's the word at least.


Dear diary,
Abby is acting funny, we tried to speak to her and ask her if she was okay but she just giggled. She's been walking around dragging her feet behind her scratching the walls as she walks around the room. She's covered in dirt. We tried to go and get her parents but they weren't there, I don't know where they went but there are funny red smudges on their carpet. They were probably just eating red jelly and spilled some.


Dear diary,
Abby is getting weirder and weirder, she is no longer walking around but sitting down staring at the wall humming weird sounding songs, she is rolling her head round and round like she is trying to keep it up but can't. We are all very scared.
I wish my mummy was here.


Dear diary,
She's gone, Abby is gone, we can't find her anywhere. We know she's still in here because we can hear footsteps and the occasional giggle.


Dear diary,
We are all really scared, Stella went to find her and didn't come back so Caitlyn and Casey went to investigate. They haven't come back yet either, I hope they're okay.


Dear diary,
The only ones left are Steph, Jess and I. We are still in this room. The others haven't returned back yet. Steph said we should split up and hide in case something bad is happening or a bad man. I think I'll hide in the hall closet.


Dear diary,
I got into the closet fine, I didn't run into any trouble. But I heard screams, I think they were from Jess. It's really squishy in here but I feel safe, I really hope it's time for my mummy to pick me up soon.


Dear diary,
I tried to go find my friends and help them. I shouldn't have.
Blood blood blood.
Blood on the walls, blood running down the stairs. And in the room where we were sleeping the bodies of my friends lined up in a row.
I hid in the bathroom when I heard the footsteps coming.
I'm really scared they stopped right outside the door and I haven't heard any more since.


I love you mummy, I love you daddy, I'll miss you.

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