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"And so the Olympian gods of Ancient Greece were borne" finishing his sentence on the board, my history teacher Mr. Waters turned to face his class,
"Can any of you name any of the Olympian gods?" He asked, glancing around the class, seeking answers,
Very few hands went up. Mr. Waters pointed at violet, asking her to give her answer,

As she lowered her hand she opened her mouth to speak,
"Zeus, and-and, uhh, Poseidon"
"Good good" said Mr. Waters as he looked around for more answers, "any other answers?"

I rolled my eyes, it was so hard being in a class with such idiots, I stuck up my hand and waited until I was called on.

When the teacher asked for my answer I sat up in my chair and began to speak.
"Hades, Hera, Aphrodite, Hermes, Ares, Dionysius, Athena, de--"

In the middle of my sentence I was cut off by a siren that echoed through the halls, and caused the other students to almost have a fit. I knew that siren, it was used for lockdown drills, but this time they didn't announce a drill first, this time our teacher actually looked concerned.

We were all ushered to the back of the classroom. Huddling against the wall we watched Mr. Waters run to pull the blinds. Midway through him closing the blinds the lights began to flicker, soon fully shutting off.
We sat in silence listening to the drone of the alarm, ringing in our ears.

After what felt like hours I heard dull footsteps echoing through the hall. A shiver ran down my spine, we were the closest classroom to the stairs, and the easiest target.
Above my head I heard the creak of the door handle. I looked up and saw the handle moving, as if some one was testing the lock.

The he handle stopped moving, and I heard a click outside the door.

Noise erupted from behind the door and ripped through my ears. Looking back up I noticed a small hole where the lock of the door should have been. The handle moved again, but this time the door swung open revealing a tall masked man, dressed in all black.

Moving inside the classroom the man raised the gun in his hand and rained hell into the other half of the class, huddled on the other side of the classroom. I watched as bullets ripped through Mr. Waters, his eyes rolling back, and his body falling to the floor.

I forced my legs to move, running out of the classroom. A few of the other students ran after me, scattering throughout the dark passages of the school. Gunshots rang out behind me, but I continued to run, not looking back until I was down the stairs.

Looking over my shoulder I saw the dark figure of the man standing at the top of the stairs. I turned and sprinted away, weaving through the random halls of my school, trying to get as lost as I could. I soon turned and ran into a bathroom, shutting one of the stall doors behind me.

I placed my hand over my mouth, trying to cover up my haggard breathing. I listened out into the silence for any sound that could give away the presence of the man.

I waited in the silence, the alarm now only ringing every few minutes.

Ss on I heard the comforting sound of police sirens echoing outside the school. Finally, help was here. As I let out a breath I heard a small creak from above me.
My breath caught in my through as I began looking above me.
I screamed when I saw what was there staring down at me.

Hanging over the walls of the stall was the body of Mr. Waters and the two of my classmates, two that were not lucky enough to escape unharmed, or even injured.

A tear slipped out of my eye as a booming laugh erupted from behind the stall door.

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