A Glimspe Into the Past

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Noah's POV

Carter gets up and I'm a little worried her face went blank after she hung up the phone which isn't usually like her. I wonder what her mom said?

When Carter gets into the entry way of the hall, she stands there before fainting. As soon as she started to fall, everything moved in slow motion. I didn't know what to do with myself so I started panicking.

I looked at Andy, who just stood there, as shocked as I was. "What are you doing!? CALL 911".

She immediately grabs her phone and starts talking into the phone.

I grab Carter and lay her on the couch, elevating her head on my lap. I start speaking as if she could here me. "Carter don't leave me, I love you", I say tears ready to spill. I know what your thinking. Why is he overreacting , all she did was faint. Well if someone you loved fainted out of nowhere I bet you'll be as hysterical as I am.

We hear the ambulance outside and I race outside, Carter in hand. More like in arms. I don't know...don't judge.

The put her on a stretcher and put her in the ambulance. I follow them, "Only immediate family ride in the car", he says being a dick.

I wanted to ride with her so I lied and said I was her brother. I'm going to regret that later.

When we got to the hospital, I had to fill out papers while they took Carter to a room to check her.

By the time I was finished, we've been sitting for 10 minutes and time just seemed to be moving slower. I fell asleep for while when Andy woke me up. The doctor was coming our way. "Are you here for Carter Smith?"

"Yes, how is she?"

"She's fine, she just had a mental breakdown, she's up now if you want to go see her, but we'll be keeping her over night just to keep an eye on her". Relief washes over me. I nod and head straight to her room.

"Carter?",I say almost whispering.

She looks over and starts crying. I rush to her side and grab her hand. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing ...I'm just glad your here", I feel like she's hiding something from me. She has pain and guilt in her eyes, but I decide not to push her to tell me."Where's Andy?"

"She's outside, but I don't know if she wants to come in yet".

"I really need to talk to her, can you get her?"

"Whatever you need to talk about, it can wait, get some rest". I let go of her hand and am about to walk out the door when she stops me.

"Where are you going, come lay with me.". I don't object and she scoots over making room for me.

"I love you Carter", I said kissing her forehead.

"I love you too", and with that it becomes silent.

Sleep slowly makes its way and both of us fall asleep.


Carter's POV

I awake on a hospital bed with a sleeping Noah next me. I can't move being as thought Noah has his fat ass arm around me, and the bed is small as fuck.

"Noah", I say but he doesn't budge. "NOAH", I scream,finally getting him up.

"I'm up I swear", he says looking around the room. I laugh uncontrollably and he just glared at me.

"What's funny?". I don't answer, because I get distracted looking at his face. He hasn't shaved in a couple of days, and has little bit of a 5 o'clock shadow. His hair is thrown in every which way just like I like it. Noah pulls me out of my thoughts when I hear his voice. "Awe, cat got your tounge?"

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