The Moon

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Carter's POV

The sun has fled the earth, the moon just reaching it's peak. A full moon is out tonight. The light cascading over us, yet the sky is so dark. No stars, even though they are there we can't always see them.

And that's exactly how I'm feeling right now.

Reality the moon, shining down on everybody all at once.

I the sky, letting the moon bask in all its glory.

Noah and the team the stars, here in spirit but not physically.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts, when a hand waves in front of my face. "We're here, get your ass up", the driver says.

I look up and see a guard waiting for me to get up, impatiently might I add. He was covered from head to toe in black, almost like a ninja. This ninja however looks like the 21st century S.W.A.T team.

We were in a mundane looking building, it looks newly built but still bleak. It was far away from where we lived but still in the middle of everything. It looked like factory which to me, was the perfect cover up.

Even though I admired, how much thought they put into making it seem boring, it was still cliche. A unsuspecting building in the middle of everything, when really everything was going on in this building underneath everyone's noses.

I mentally slap myself for getting lost in my thoughts when I see the guard looking at me curiously, as if he could read me. "You see I would get up, if I wasn't tied to the fucking seat asshole", I say sarcasm and anger laced into my voice.

He glared at me, and I glared back. He ever so rudely shoved me forward so he could cut the rope that held my hands. When he did so, I internally thanked him, that position was getting uncomfortable.

I was then ushered out of the car, and put on my knees. "Put ur hands above your head and don't move", the guard said.

I slowly obliged, taking my time in fulfilling his wishes. He searched my body, looking for anything suspicious but couldn't find anything.

After he was done, two different guards came and picked me up by my arms. "Take her to her cell, the boss will instruct further", the guard said.

The others followed orders and I was being dragged through an endless amount of halls. The deeper we went, the dirtier the hallways got. I tried my best to remember all the turns and doors we went through just in case.

'Left, Right, Left, Door, Right, Right, Door...'

We came to a stop infront of a big metal door. One of the guards holding me lessening his grip, and took out a key card. He swiped it and put in a code. The key pad beeped and turned green, followed by the door making a loud banging noise. It slowly opened, like an elevator door.

What lie on the other side, made me nervous. What did it look like? Who else would be held there?

The door finally was fully opened and I was pushed through the threshold. There was a command center, on my right, where another guard sat, this one has what looks like an automatic machine gun on his lap.

The gun made me feel nervous. Knowing he had a gun, made me feel torn. Do I want the team to put their lives in danger for me?

I was taken to a door on the left and the guards opened the door. The room was shockingly pristine, all white, almost futuristic. My cell looked surprising cozy. All white, matching the rest of the room. A twin bed, a small toilet in the corner and thick white bars.

The room was so white, it had its own glow. I looked around and noticed a little sliding glass, embedded withing the bars. There was also a 1-way glass, so people could look in but no one could look out.

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