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Noah's POV

After hours of crying I finally got Carter to sleep. I didn't sleep I was too worried about Carter. This guy is coming soon and I needed to prepare. I watched the sun rise and sat in Carter's room staring. I took time to think about, everything.

When the sun was high enough in the sky, I slipped out of the bed and out of the house. I got in Carter's car and went to my house to pick some things up.

"Noah baby, where do you think you're going", my mom chirps from the doorway.

"There back, mom. I need to go before they come after you too. They're already after Carter".

I feel her fragile arms wrap around my torso and a few tears fall. I have been through so much because of this damn gang. "You can't leave, we will get though this. Stay". I see the glint in her eyes hoping I'll stay.

"As much as it pains me, I have to go away for a while". I turn away, and continue packing

"At least tell me where your going", she pleads her voice barely a whisper.

"I can't mom. Don't look for me either, you won't find me. I'll be back as soon as everything is over. I promise". I zip up my bag and walk past her, gently kissing her forehead in the process.

She follows me to the door and opens it for me, watching as I left her. "I love you", I call out from the driveway.

"Love you, too". She yells back. I can tell she's crying, I take one more look at my home before walking away. I turn away and glance back through the corner of my eye, and watch as my mother collapses on her knees, crying.

They say home is where the heart is. Well let's just say I lost half my heart today.


I walked to Carter's house and when I got there she was still sleep. I walked to Andy's room, and heard speaking through the door.

"We need to meet now!"

"Yea well, I don't care get your asses over here!"

I knock on the door and she answers almost immediately. "We need to talk, did you get the text?".

"Yeah, I don't even know what we're going to do. He's coming sooner than expected and I-". I cut her off.

"Calm it down Andy, I think I have a plan". I say and she looks like she just won the lottery.

"Well what is it, spill".

"First, I need Carter's consent and the rest of the gang here. This is gonna be a little drastic".


Carter's POV

I wake up to a bunch of shuffling going on from downstairs and it's really pissing me off. "Noah can you go see what that is", I say groggily.

There's no reply, not even a movement. My head shoots up and there's no one next to me. "What the fuck?!", I yell.

"Noah you better not be the one causing that noise!". I got up and ran out my room and down the steps.

I walk into my living room and there is about 6 people sitting there talking, 2 of them being Andy and Noah.

"Babe, what are you doing up?", Noah asked. I totally disregarded his question.

"That's Carter, no wonder Terrance wants her", one of the guys in the group says. Noah glares at him and he puts his hand up surrendering. "Just saying, she's hot".

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