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Noah's POV

It's been a couple days since the party and I've received more text. I've been more concerned when it comes to Carter. I've been extra clingy and I know she's annoyed because she doesn't like that. Today Carter has track tryouts so she won't be home for awhile. I decide to take the 2 hours I have and get some answers from Andy.

I drove to Carter's and I've been trying to figure out how to get answers out of Andy so I'm sitting in my car.

I text Andy and tell her to come outside. When she gets to the car, I unlock the door and she gets in looking confused.

"We need to talk". I say leaving no room for discussion.

"Okaayy", she drags it out.

I pull off and drive to a nearby diner. We get out and I find us a booth. No one's really in here at the moment, so it's the perfect place to talk.

"What did you want to talk about?",Andy asked.

"I'm gonna be straight forward, you know the guy at the party and I wanna know how".

"That's none of your business",she says in disgust.

"It is though, I know him as well, I need to know what you know about him". She looks at me wide eyed. "Your sister could be in danger".

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for your sister". I say putting emphasis on your.

"What's she got to do with this?"

"Ever since I seen him at the party, I've been receiving threats through text. I need to know what you know so I can stop them". I know what your thinking, if that's the head of your old gang's rival, why don't you know about him? Well dick heads, I wasn't that far up in the ranks, I was doing small stuff. I was a dumb kid just looking for a way to keep his mind off of the pain and regret he had.

"O-Okay, can I see the text?", she asked nervously.

"Yeah", I hand her the phone and she is scrolling, she puts her fist in her mouth, choking back sobs. "You understand the urgency now?"

"What do you want to know?"


"Well for one that's not Trevor, that's one of his goons texting you",Andy says matter-of-factly.

"How do you know?", I curiously ask.

"Well he was my boyfriend for awhile, I should know how he texts".

"How'd you meet?".

"Hey, welcome to Marybell's Diner, how may I take your order?". The waitress comes up to us.

"Burger, fries and a coke. You Andy?"

"A water thanks", she says smiling. "Anyways, it was about 3 years ago, freshman year I think, I just moved to a new group home and I was feeling rebellious. I adapted this whole bad girl persona and one of my friends told me about this gang he was in. Long story short, I ended up joining and dating the leader".

"Wow okay", I was stunned. Andy seemed so sweet and vulnerable.

"Wait how do you know Trevor?"

"I was in a gang, before I met Carter. She doesn't know, and I wasn't planning to tell her. I have to now though".

Andy doesn't look surprised, just confused. "Would've never pegged you as gang type, pretty boy", she says grinning.

"Yeah, well everyone has secrets there not proud of".

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