Let's Talk..

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Dedicated to: WXIRD___

Love your comments and your books ! Keep it up girl


Renae POV

"So we're here for a family meeting...THAT NEEDS TO BE DEALT WITH." I said as I looked around.

Everyone had their eyes on me.

"We're a family, and mom wouldnt wanna see us like this. Come'on guys" I said sitting down.

'We're going to talk this out, wheather you like It or not. Especially Kendra, cause I dont know whose been shitting in your kool-aid, forreal you got some attitude problem." I said pointing at her.

She rolled her eyes. "ROLL YA EYES ONE MORE TIME!" Cali said standing up, slipping on her air maxes.

"Cali sit down" I said as I shook my head. "And Kendra shut the fuck up and speak until I ask you too," I ordered

Cali sat back down as she put her bag down.

"Alright so our first speaker will be me" I stood up. "When Im done speaking I will allow ya'll to add your opinions and then pass the stick around. Until then ya'll better shut the fuck, Im pregnant but Im not afraid to pop someone in the mouth if I have to " I said linking eyes with Kendra.

"K first off, I love my family.. I love my family dearly but If Im ENDING UP IN THE HOSPITAL then.. naw shit need's to change." I paused.

"KENDRA! I love you, you're currently my only child. Your father and I have been working our butt's off just to provide for you and make you happy, but obviously we've been making you too happy and have spoiled you rotten. You're a stuck up brat, and frankly If I didnt know you I would shake my head and be disgusted at that way you behaved. You're disappointing me Ken. You have been having sex IN MY HOUSE, you have disrespected me IN MY HOUSE and not just me but your elders. You act as if you have no home training, like I dont know what it is? Why are you so miserable? Why are you so unhappy?" I began crying. "We've given you the world and you wanna go act like a lil spoiled brat when I announce im pregnant. That was so uncalled for and rude. That was my day! AND YOU RUINED IT, MONICA AND I HAD BEEN PLANNING IT FOR WEEKS AND YOU RUINED IT." I felt my heart rate go up. I put my hand over my face as I tried to calm down. "Why Kendra? WHY?" I asked.

By this point she was crying.

"Speak bitch" Monica said nonchalantly. Cali pinched her arm. "Owwwww" Monica said while rubbing her bruised arm.

I passed Kendra the stick and let her speak. She stood up.

"Look mom Im sorry okay, but Im tired of being treated like this. You and dad never let me do stuff on my own, you guys bend over backwards for me, and Im not saying Im ungrateful but honestly it hasnt done me any good. I act out hoping you would try to make me better and stop spoiling me. Dont get me wrong " She said putting her hand on her chest. "I appreciate it, but it hasnt done me any good. I go to school and everyone either loves me or hates me. They love me because they know my parent's have money and they wanna try to get money off me, or they just look up to me because im rich. Then we have the people that hate me" She looked at Monica. "They hate me ? For what? I dont know.. I must say I do some really messed up things from time to time so I can't blame them. But they see me as a stuck up brat who gets 'anything her rich parents give her'. When i dont even ask for it half the time, AGAIN Im not complaining but still. ALSO, Monica. I apoligize. I do not have a problem with you, but Im extremely jealous. You have a pretty face, a nice body, a loving boyfriend and then everyone just see's me. When you came and lived here, I felt like My parents feel in love with you. The child they never had but always wanted. That hurt. So when I saw you with Brandon...that just made me wanna get at you even more. I dont  know man.. It hurts but..thats how it is. I love you though.." She paused and changed her direction towards Cali.

"Aunt Cali..." Kendra said. "Mhmm, I cant wait to hear this" She said as she crossed her legs.

Kendra exhaled as she interlocked her fingers.

"Aunt Cali, as much as I may disrespect you. I love you. I love the way you're with Monica." I held onto my chest. That kind of hurt. "You're real. You dont baby shit. But I see the way you lighten up my mother, and I wanna be able to do that. I dont know.. Im just envious and jealous of a lot of things in this household and family.."

Cali nodded her head up and down and bit her lip.

Kendra passed the stick to Monica.

"I love ya'll. I wanna say thank you to Aunty Ren Ren to allowing me to stay in her household and welcoming me to her household. Kendra, Ima be real with you for a sec. You're a pretty girl and very popular YOU HAVE NO DAMN REASON TO BE JEALOUS OF ME. To be honest, In my opionion you kinda ungrateful. You got two loving parents who LOVE YOU. Me? My dad's dead and my mom just came out of a jail a couple months ago. Before that I only had ONE, and that was grandma. So for you to come up in here and disrespect my mama and aunt ren and uncle sean. That's so-.... Mama excuse my language, but yo kinda thats FUCKED up! I beat ya ass and Im not afraid to do it again, to be honest, I should've jumped in when My mom was fucking you up, but Im better than that. I know better! You know better but you choose to do wrong, and that's what makes your parents so mad. Me? I act like I have some sense. When you lied on Brandon saying he 'raped you' " Monica said tilting her head. "That was sooo messed up,and then you had the never to disrespect my mom? You proved you cant be trusted and thats all there is to it. I love you though, but that dont mean I wont kick out your two front teeth, dont sleep kendra, DO NOT SLEEP" Monica said sitting down, bouncing her leg up and down.

I shook my head. Monica passed the stick to Cali and she stood up.

"So I wanna say thank you to my sister and brother in law for letting me back into their lives and my daughters aswell.. Kendra. I've been wanting to whoop your ass since I saw you at mama's funeral. As a baby you were sooo cute and sweet, but naw you stank a.f now..Ive been locked up for 15 years!" Cali said as she clapped her hands. "I know what's up, and I will not hesitate to teach you a lesson. You disrespecting me? Doesnt work for me. Like Cali dont play that" She shook her head. "You see that bruise on your forehead?" Cali asked pointing at Kendra's forehead. "I DID THAT SHIT AND NEXT TIME YOU TRY ME YOU WILL GET THAT AND A COCO.. IM PREPARED KENDRA, BELIEVE THAT" Cali said lifting up her bag. "VASELINE ON DECK..!" She put her bag down. " But forreal You have no reason to be jealous of anyone look at your parents! You're blessed girl.. I love you and I just wanna see you transform into a young lady with MANNERS AND RESPECT FOR OTHERS AND MOST IMPORTANTLY FOR HERSELF." She sat back down.

"Sean you got anything to say?"  I asked. He nodded his head no.

"So Im happy ya'll let this all out...I dont expect us to be 'bestfriends' now but hopefully we took in what everyone said today and will change for the better." They all nodded and showed some smiles..

"Group hug? " I said smiling. They all stood up and huddled into a group hug.

"Love ya'll..." I said to them while hugging. "Love you too!" they said in unison.

We stepped back and they started to get their things to leave.

"Wait wait wait!" I said. They all turned around to face me.

"I know summer break is starting soon, and I wanted ya'll to know.... I booked a flight to Jamaica!"

They all smiled and looked excited.

"Ayeeeee!" Cali said while bussing a wine.

I laughed. "We all need this break..."


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