Just A Warning

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The next day was a pretty calm day. There were no fights or dates to take all of your attention span. In fact they had almost made it through a whole school day without anything unusual happening. Everyone was currently at lunch eating everything that could be crammed into their mouths. Especially Hadley. The strangest thing that they thought could possibly happen was Justin not sitting with them. It wasn't just that though. Their lunch table was quieter than usual. It was like no body had anything to say.

Brooke sat uncomfortably as Carter kept playing on his phone. He did this sometimes. It was as if his phone was more important than his own girlfriend. This was when her psycho girlfriend side came out. Although normally she would contain herself and not question it.

Emerson sat boyfriendless because Nash was taking some stupid test for math. She basically sat beside of Brooke playing with her phone as well. What was there to do at times like this? Their table was quiet at times, but never had it been this quiet. Emerson glanced around her table. Out of everyone that usually sat here Nash was the only one missing. However Thea took his spot. An idea popped into Emerson's head.

"So are you and Nash actually related, Thea?" Emerson asks. "I thought that he was a foster kid."

"He had a DNA test done a few months ago and over thanksgiving break he met up with me. We are really related." Thea says. No one seemed particularly interested in this conversation.

"Wow. How... cool. That's crazy. So were you glad to have a twin brother?" Emerson tries again.

"Oh no no no." Thea stutters. Her face was bright pink and she started to get flustered. "He is not my twin brother. We are cousins."

"Well then why did he say you were his sister?" The people who were listening to them were just as confused as Emerson.

"I'm not sure. Why don't you ask your boyfriend?" Thea says with the sassiest attitude.

"Okay stop throwing the salt." Emerson says putting her hand up. "He is taking a test."

Thea simply shrugs and focuses back on her food. No one tries to speak again. Emerson slowly just turned her attention back to her phone. Emerson really liked Nash. Now his sister... or cousin. Not so much. Occasionally a few people would glance around the table. As soon as someone made eye contact with another person they would duck their head back down.

"Well this is a thrilling conversation I am walking in on. I sure hope that I am not interrupting anything important here." Aiden says putting his hands on Ellie's shoulders and gently messages them. She smiles and grabs one of his hands. "You seem a little tense." He says to her.

Ellie laughs and turns around to face him. She gently places a kiss on his cheek. He smiles and rolls his eyes. He looks at her and then glances at the rest of her table. She seem to understand and motions to Audrie and Justin by nodding her head ever so slightly.

"Ahh." He mumbles as quietly as he can. He understood that there must be some type of drama going on. "So, Justin, you have detention tonight right?"

"Yeah? What about it?" He says quietly.

"Well I am in detention so I just wanted to make sure that I would have a friend to talk to. There is this crazy chick that is suppose to be in there that is just totally obsessed with me." He rolls his eyes.

Ellie's jaw drops out of anger, "Who keeps bothering you. In case she doesn't know I am the only one that can obsess over you! Is it Janice? I will go straiten that-" With a loud laugh Aiden puts his hand over mouth making her stop.

"Before you say something you will regret." He kisses her gently. "You have detention tonight too." He laughs once more before continuing. "And I was talking about you."

"Oh.." Ellie says. Her face flashes the deepest dark of red. She just kept embarrassing herself more and more. "I do not understand how you like me." She laughs.

"Neither do I." He squeezes her hand before walking away.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Audrie asks. Before Ellie can answer she is dragging her away.

"But lunch is almost over and I have a cupcake." Ellie whines looking back at the slowly disappearing table. Audrie pulls her into the nearest building.

"I have been trying to talk to Justin all day, but he is being a stubborn jackwagon and not listening to a thing I say." Audrie says with a small pout.

"Well you know what you have to do?" Ellie asks.

"And what is that?" Audrie asks skeptically.

"You have to win him back." Ellie says with a devious smile. "You have to do something so grand that he will know your love for him."

"No I cannot do that." Audrie says. She shook her head. It was obvious that she wanted to say yes though.

"What if I help?" Ellie asks. "You can bust him out of detention, or you can get detention to be with him. Either way you two need to talk it out."

"Kinda hard when he keeps walking away." Audrie complains.

"If you both are in detention there is no where he can go." Ellie smiles.

"No my mom will kill me!" Audrie says. Her mind was already made up though. She was going to get detention. "I will not hear anymore about this."


Audrie was very angry about how this day had gone. She had tried everything thing to get detention. Almost every teacher was as forgiving as ever. It was all because Audrie never gets into trouble. They would just laugh and tell her it was just a warning. Audrie slammed her locker shut.

"How's it going?" Ellie asks right after hearing Audrie slam her locker.

"Terrible. Not one teacher would give me detention for today! All freaking warnings. Just a warning? No I want the real thing. I have tried everything. Help me get into trouble!" Audrie pleads.

"Wow. You are actually serious about this. I mean I wasn't actually being serious about getting detention. I just wanted a friend to talk to." Ellie shrugs and laughs.

"Wait isn't Aiden in there?" Audrie shoots her a questionable look.

"Trust me we are fine." Ellie laughs. "But we already spend a bunch of time together. I feel like I never get to talk to my buds. My pals. My homies. My-" Audrie places a hand over Ellie's mouth.

"I get it." Audrie says while making a face at her. "So no grand gesture?"

"No, you still have to do the grand gesture." Ellie says while patting Audrie on the back. "Good luck amigo."

"Amiga." Audrie corrects her. Ellie simply rolls her eyes.

Before Ellie could say anything Hadley walks up complaining about Mr. Long, "He gave me detention. That horrible man gave me detention!"

"Why." Ellie says at the same time Audrie yells, "What the heck!"

Ellie laughs as Audrie storms off. No doubt she was going to try and get written up by Mr. Long herself. Hadley gives Ellie a do-I-want-to-know look. Ellie just laughs and shakes her head no. If Audrie succeeded in getting detention Hadley would figure it out.

"How about we get to our next class." Hadley suggests. Ellie laughs a little just thinking about Audrie before nodding yes. "Did I say something funny?" Hadley mumbles. She was very confused.

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