Alone at last (phanfiction)

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We had a long nights sleep, for once I woke up first. I left a small note for Dan.

"Hi dear, hope your sleep was as good as mine, last night was amazing, I went inside, we do have work today to you better get a move on love" it read.

I arrived in the house to find Don and a boy, our age, he had brown curly hair, he was wearing a red Christmas jumper and was writing in a small notebook.

"Phil, your up at last, breakfast is ready, where is Dan?"

"Oh, he is still sleeping."I replied

"I'm so stupid, I should have guessed, and yes, you may be wondering who this is." He said pointing at the boy. The boy looked up and smiled.

"I'm Pj, I'd rather you call me Peej." I grinned. I sat down and ate my breakfast. I left a big plate for Dan before I left for work. Pj left at the same time. I turns out he works at the same place we do.

I had been working for a good hour before Dan showed up. I showed him what to do. We both wandered into the back room. I could see right through his chocolate brown eyes. I knew what he wanted to do. His eyes gestured to the supply closet. I took his hand and kissed his cheek. We walked to the closet before locking it behind us.

"Is this good enough love?" I chuckled

"Yes, it's ama-" I stopped him with a kiss. His hands grabbed my waist as we started to kiss more passionately. His eyes closed. So did mine. A wand dropped behind me as Dan grinded me into the back shelf. I let out a moan as my eyes opened to see Dan with a large cheeky grin upon his face.

"Do you think we're getting paid for this" I chuckled. He giggled. I slipped off his shirt. He them slipped of my pants in return. He looked up at me and winked before I slipped of my shirt and his pants. A few more wand boxes fell behind us as I switched directions so Dan was against the wall.

"Oh Phil!" Dan groaned. I heard foot steps behind the door. They stopped and I heard the door handle wiggle. We looked at each other. We kept going. At that point everything was blocked out. I saw dans eyes widen and a peek of light appear on the wand boxes. It was Pj.

In the name (Phanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant