Is this the end? (Phanfiction)

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Charlie's POV;

It had felt as if weeks had past. Alex and Chris had gained complete trust in these people. What's to trust in them? Really, why are they runaways? The black haired one sure doesn't like us. He'd rather be alone for all I know. I'm not usually a one to judge like this. It's just we left for a reason. Alone for a reason. They could be working for the ministry. Why the hell would they just tell them our plans. They could take them and get us taken away.

"Alex, can we talk?" I implied.

"Ya sure mate, what is it?" Alex questioned.

"Do you honestly trust these goons? They could be working for the ministry!"

"Charlie, get yourself together. What can three scrawny kids do to us? Answer that."

"I-I don't know, but I don't trust them." Alex got up before saying one last statement.

"If you really want to stay with us mate, I recommend you start paying attention to the truth." I know I might sound idiotic. But I really don't care what Alex or Chris have to say. I'm sticking with my gut. As much as PJ, Phil and Dan are nice. That could be part of there plan. It was late at night when I was startled by a dream. We where in a dark room, the three if us. Pj, Dan and Phil had locked us in there. Alone. One little door to get out. That when I woke up. Everyone else was sleeping. I stood up and looked into the top bunk where Alex was sleeping.

"Alex, Alex" I whispered whilst poking his are.

"Charlie, what the bloody hell do you want?"

"I'm leaving, I don't care if you want to stay here with these people. There working for the ministry, I'm sure of it."

"Fine go. If your dumb enough to leave all this. Friends, a home, food. Them you deserve to be alone." He turned back to the wall.

"Goodbye Alex. It was a good run." I grabbed my bag and started walking towards the front of the tent. A tear rolled down my cheek. Saying goodbye was harder than I thought. I'd known Alex for so long now. Chris and I had been friends for so long. As I walked out of the tent into the dark forest I broke down onto my knees in tears. Forever seems so long. These people, my friends had kept me safe and happy for years. But in a heartbeat I can lose them. I got up and started my way through the trees.

"Lumos." My wand lit up. The forest didn't seem so threatening now. My speed picked up, they might try to find me.

Everything went black after that. I just remember feeling cold. Colder than I've ever felt. More alone than I've ever felt. My fingers where wet and frosty. I

Felt like I was on a bed. I wet bed. But I eyes where to weak to open. What happened?


Yay! Over 100 reads!??! Crazy stuff. Requests guys. More feedback means longer and better chapters! ~Charlie

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