How much longer

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Phil's POV:

Damon got up to answer the door and I was ordered to sit quietly, who was this roommate anyways, why was I ordered to sit in one place. I heard mumbling before Damon told me to come over. I got up and waddled to the door, it wasn't his roommate, it was Alex and Dan. I didn't know what to do, I just embraced Dan with a hug.

"I missed you Dan! I didn't think you'd come." Dan looked me in the eyes.

"I'll always come for you."

"I'm guys, look." Alex said pointing at a large group of wizards coming towards the cabin. Damon pulled them in and told us to go hide in the closets and lock them up stairs. Damon slammed the door and locked it and sat at the table again and drank his tea as we rushed up stairs. Alex rushed into a small closet and locked and me and Dan took the one next to it and locked it behind us. I heard the knock at the downstairs door. Dan pecked my cheek and smiled. As terrifying as this was I had Dan again. I kissed him back on his soft lips. I could only think of how happy I was to have my angel back. We looked each other straight in the eyes. The way his brown eyes where clear in the dark and the feeling I have when I'm with him, of complete safety. Footsteps outside the closet door weren't threatening.

Dans grip around my was so tight, nothing could take me. I was breathing deeply as was Dan. I wondered if PJ knew we where gone or if Damon was ok right now? Was Charlie and Chris safe? Did they get Alex yet? Without Dan though, I would be in a ball shaking. I heard someone shake the door handle and I grabbed onto the angel again tighter.

"Love you Dan." I looked at him.

"I love you too, no matter what happens." He said as he kissed me on my cheek.


So short! Sorry! Comment!


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