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Phil's POV:

Alex's eyes lit up to the sight of snow as the white flakes began to fall faster. The cold snow seemed like is felt nice on Alex.

"Should we try to get shelter?" PJ asked. Dan nodded and everyone kept walking. I could see a dim light in the distance. Like a fire at a camp.

"We could try that light over there?" I pointed.

"It's probably our best bet guys, let's go." PJ replied. Dan sighed and tightened his grip on Alex. Damon was next to PJ like a dog not willing to leave. Dan looked over at me and smiled before speeding up.

"Dan slow down! They could here you!" PJ hollered. Dan stopped and walked back. Alex had fallen asleep in dans arms. I smiled as we approached the bushes before the light. PJ peeked through. His face looked surprised coming out. It was a quidditch game between Ireland and Scotland he said stepping back. He Said tents filled the field and small fires where lit.

"Do you think anyone would let us stay with them?" Damon asked.

"No! Half of them probably work for the ministry so we need to find a way around." PJ grabbed Damon and trailed back.

"Where are you going?" I asked PJ.

"Not here. We'll get lost or caught." PJ replied.

"We need to get Alex to shelter though!" I yelled.

"You guys I can make shelter from out surroundings, i learnt as a kid." Damon whimpered. Everyone stopped and smiled.

"Ok, than let's got further into the woods and set up then." Pj said. We all trailed back and found a cave. Completely empty. We all went in and Dan put Alex down. He was still sleeping. Damon headed out and got wood and leaves. We had grabbed some blankets at the fire so I made a couple beds and got a blanket for Alex. PJ had started a small fire and Dan went out hunting with his wand. We may actually survive.

****************************************************************************************************************woah I'm back! So sorry for the wait! It's been stressful so I couldn't update but here! I plan to work on this way more now! ~Charlie

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