Not again(phanfiction)

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"I-I" PJ stuttered. As he backed away and covered his eyes. We both quickly slipped on our clothes.

"We-were just, um..." Dan mumbled.

"It's ok, I understand, but at work, really?" He chuckled as he reached behind us and grabbed the wand he needed and walked away with a cheeky grin across his face. Me and Dan both looked a each other and made a stupid face before cleaning up and grabbing the arm full of wands needed in the first place. The long first day at work had ended and pj stayed clear of us for the rest of the day. He trailed behind us as we walked down the street. My fingertips where colder than snow and my nose felt like I had ice coating it. That's until I felt a nurse of warmth nock me to the ground. Ph and Dan stumbled too. I looked back to see a big group of wizards, they where back for us again. This time a bigger group.

We all stumbled up and ran into a near by ally, flames where roaring in the streets.

"I don't think they saw us." Dan panted.

"What the hell is going on!" Pj yelped.

"You know our story, there here for us!" Dan jolted back.

"Quit arguing! We can run back to the tent grab what we need and head into the forest." I stated

"No, we have to leave now." Dan siad.

"Accio tent." He said following with our wrapped up hut.

"It has everything we left in it?" I asked.

"Yes" Dan said as another bang hit.

"You guys! I'm still here, and I'm coming." Pj yelled over the screaming people. We both looked at each other and back at him and nodded.

"Accio broomstick." We all shouted at the same time. With all of our broom sticks ready.

"You all ready?" Pj asked

"Yeah, we have experience." Dan chuckled.

"Here we go." I said as I did the last. We were off, the town was a mere glow now in the distance.

"My father will understand" pj said.

"Where are we even suppose to go?" I said.

"Anywhere, the forest is our best bet now." Dan answered.

"Alright then." I sighed. Pj swerved over a bit almost flying off. I couldn't help but laugh.

In the name (Phanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant