Getting to know a stranger

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shy_fangirl asks kristoff. "If you got to know me would your opinion change, why or why not?"
Kristoff: well how am I supposed to get to know you if she's not even here?!
Me: give it a second Kristoff.
*door bell rings*
Me: yay she's here!
Sera: hello.
Kristoff: it's you.
Sera: yeah it's me. What are you gonna do, can't punch a girl if your a guy Kristoff.
Kristoff: I...well...ugh! Jamaria!
Me: hush up you big baby!
Kristoff: I am not!
Sera: Yes, you are!
Sera: Never heard a girl stand up to you before? One of the many things about me.
Kristoff: well at least I don't have issues at school!
Me: I know you did not just go there Kristoff!
Kristoff: *snaps his fingers* oh yes I did!
Anna: *snaps her fingers* oh no he didn't!
Me: Anna just no. Sorry but just just no.
Anna: *frowns*
~Hiccup comes up and kisses her cheek. Then they go to the bedroom~
Sera: *walks to Kristoff and punches him*
Kristoff: What was that for?!
Me: you know what you did! You went to her pressure point! You should be ashamed of yourself!
Sera: yeah!
Astrid: the only person here who should be ashamed of themselves is Seraphina! For punching my boyfriend! *sera and astrid get into a fight*
Elsa: *slaps jack*
Jack: hehe...(oh my god that hurts!)
Sera: STOP IT!
Astrid: why should I?! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't break your arm!!!
Sera: shut up.
Astrid: what did you just say to me?
Sera: I said SHUT UP!
Astrid backs up away from Sera. So does Jelsa. The only people who don't are Kristoff and me.
Me: sera. Let him have it!
*i created a door and a small house and lock both sera and kristoff in there alone*
Sera: I alomst died when I was born! I changed as I grew up. I get more hurt everyday. I don't show it but when I do, it's usually to Jamaria. One of my trusted friends hurt me too! Would you know how that feels?!
Kristoff: sera...if I had known then I would've....
Sera: You would've what? Not hurt me the way you did? Sure, most people do that. I give people my whole trust; they throw it away like it's nothing.
Kristoff: I...sera I'm sorry... I'm really really sorry... (*hugs sera*)
Sera:....Kristoff what are you?
Kristoff: I'm sorry. I will never treat you badly ever again. I promise, and when I promise something I intend to keep it. Cross my heart sera.
Sera: *hugs him back* Just don't do it again. Okay?
Kristoff: Okay.
Me: yay you two are friends now!
Kristoff: um how did you? Know what nevermind. I think I better go before astrid sees us hugging and...
Astrid: KRISTOFF! *angry*
Me:.... locked the door right?
Me: y-yeah. Why?
Kristoff: no reason.
Me: or I could just kill her with the snap of a finger?
*Sera looks at Kristoff, Kristoff looks at sera. Now their looking back and forth. Sera, to Kristoff, to me*
Both: No Woman!
Me: okay! okay! Bye sera.
Sera: bye. (*disappears*)
Kristoff walks back out with realization on his face As he sits down.
Me: So did your opinion of her change? Or not?
Kristoff: it did. It did so very much.
Me: That's good. At least you guys aren't enemies.
Kristoff: Jamaria?!
Me: *fast* ask and dare bye! *leaves*
Kristoff: Jamaria!
*Astrid jumps on Kristoff*

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