Gone Forever (part 2)

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Hans: sera!
Jaja walks away in her room where pitch is waiting
Sera: jaja!
Jaja looked back: sera?
Pitch closed the door and locked it
Jaja: no!
Pitch: you belong to me now.
Jaja: *eyes turn dark*
Sera runs to Jaja's room: jaja! Pitch leave her alone!
Pitch: oh I'm just getting started with her!
Sera: leave her alone please!
Pitch: why? Or should I go after you?
Jaja: no! *fight against him* I won't let you hurt her!
Pitch fought back hard it made my head hurt
Jaja: agh!
Sera: take me instead!
Pitch: come again?
Sera: take me instead.
Jaja: no sera! Ah! *pulled me in the dark* run sera, *eyes turned black* run.
Sera: Pitch leave her alone! Please!
Pitch: I'll leave her alone if you can beat her.
Sera: OK deal
Pitch: *smirks* kill your prey Jane.
Jane: yes master!
Sera backed away from Jane: come get me then
Jane ran towards sera
Sera ran away fast, trying to evade her: Jane, this isn't you!
Jane: this is me! You're worthless! *pops in front of her* and you're mine to kill.
Sera: jaja, if you're in there, please give me a sign.
Jane: jaja's gone. She won't save you. No one will save you! (Jaja: sera!) sera run, please! Go while you can! I can't hold it forever!
Sera hugs Jane and sings gently: who is in control?
Jane: I...s-sera? *eyes turned back to normal* sera. *fainted*
Hans and Sera carry her to bed. Pitch disappears
Hans: this is my fault.
Sera: no it isn't. It's heather's
Hans: no I never should've left her alone!
Sera: it feels like my fault
Hans: how come?
Sera: I should've stayed by her. It should have been me, not her
Hans: it's my fault at most. I let her think that heather and I were a thing. Now she's hurt and it's all my fault! Sera what if she never wakes up! What if she's dead?! What if-
Jaja: *groans*
Hans: Jaja?
Jaja: stop, no. No!
Hans: Jamaria wake up! It's a nightmare please wake up!
Jaja wakes up screaming: ha!
Sera: you okay Jaja?
Jaja: I'm fine. Thank you.
Sera: you're welcome.
Hans: Jamaria, I'm so sorry I, I just-
Jaja hugs him
Hans: Jamaria?
Jaja: *cries* I'm sorry.
Hans: I love you Jamaria. *kisses me*
Jaja kisses back

With heather

Heather: daddy!
Pitch: yes darling?
Heather: you said you could get rid of her! So Hans would be mine and I can be a princess!
Pitch: you're already a princess. But don't worry my little angel that girl will fall, soon enough.
Heather: when?!
Pitch: soon my dark angel, *held her hand* soon.

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