The Project

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    I woke up early this morning because of the nightmare I had last night. It was when Ladybug finally told me who she was and....and she was Chloe. Of all people I just had to dream of the drama queen as Ladybug. That is the definition of nightmare. I know for a fact that it's not true. Lady Wifi already figure that out for me. It should be someone nice like Marinette. If I never become cat Noir and met Ladybug, I'd think I'd like her. 
    The Gorilla sits quietly driving the car to the high school. He pulls the car up to the side walk, and keeps the engine running. I unstrap my self from the star seat, and open the door. Grabbing my book bags I step out of the car. A swarm on paparazzi flock around me. Flashing lights blind me, and screaming fan girls rush for a glance of the star my father has made me. The Gorilla pushes the crowd back, clearing a path. I walk down it into the halls of the school all the way to my first class of the day, and sit at my assigned seat next to Nino.

"Hey Nino." I say to him "Hey Man!" He replies. "You're not late today!"
"Yeah! I decided to leave earlier to get here on time."
"Bro, you're getting busier by the day."
"Ok class." Says Ms. Janelle walking into the classroom. "For the next three days we'll be working in partners on projects."

Please don't pair me with Chloé.

"Your project is to make a model of the book The Most Dangerous Game." She continues. "I will be assigning partners."

She proceeds to pick out random pairs of people, two by two people to be put in a group. "Alex and Rose, Max and Kim." Ms. Janelle lists. "Alya and Nino." Only Chloé, Sabrina, Marinette, and I are left to be paired, and I hold my breath, waiting to know my pre-determined, by a teacher, fate. "And finally Chloe with Sabrina, and Marinette with Adrien." She concludes. Chloe slames her hands on her and Sabrina's desk. "What?!" Obviously She would throw a fit about the assigned partners. I turn to see a pale Maritnette sitting behind me.

"Hey. You ok?" I ask. "Yeah." She croaks out. "I'm Fine."
"Ok, well meet me outside in front after school?" I suggest. Her cheeks turn a slight pink and she says. "Sure."
The Most Dangerous is a story I had to read for my English class. It's a real story you can go off and read. I DID NOT MAKE IT UP OR WRITE IT!!!!!
I sit on one of the stair case outside the school waiting for Marinette. After a couple of minutes I see her step out of the front door, and I slide of the ledge. She fidles with her hands as she walks up to me.

"You ready?" I ask. She nods her head. "We walking?" Just then the Gorilla drives to the side walk a few yards away from us. "Nope." I answer. "We're going to my place in that."  I nod my head toward the car. Her eyes stay glued to the car, and the color fades from her face. "I....I....I figured we were going to the library." She stutters.
"My place has it's own library. I figured it would be better to work there."
"Oh, ok."
Her cheeks turn red.
His house is so huge. Adrien leads me through the halls of his mansion, and at one point a  tall skinny woman steps into the hallway. She wears a black suit with a red tie, and scowl on her face. She glares my way then turns her attention towards Adrien. "Who is this?" She asks. "She's a friend, Natalie." Adrien answers. "We're doing a project for school. We'll be in the library."

Adrian's pulls me by my arm past Natalie and into a large door. The force of the pull causes me to lose my balance like the cluts I am. I soon regain my balance, and look up in awe of the 15ft bookcases that surround us. Each case fill to the brim of books of all types. Si-if, fairytale, science, everything! "Wow." I breath.

"Over here." Adrien says gestures towards a table surrounded by chairs. I walk over, pull out chair and sit down.
"Where should we start?" He ask. "How about reading the book." I suggest jokingly, surprised at myself for not stuttering. "Yeah. Right." He scratches the back of his head. I pull out my iPad from my book bag, and he does the same. I start to read the first page, but it's hard to focus. Here I am  alone with my crush, and all I can do is read. Taping my finger on my iPad, I figet in my chair. We sit in silence as we read.

About a half and hour later I finish up the last page when Adrien asks. "Any ideas on what we should do?" Pondering the question I answer. "We could do a diorama."  He smiles. "Cool idea. It can be when Rainsford was stuck in the tree and the general was hunting him."
"Great!" I exclaim happy that he like the idea. "We could go to the park to get pick sticks and leaves we can find. I have a shoe box at home we can use. But will we use for the figures?'

I look down at the cover of the book on my iPad and ponder the problem at hand. "I have some old army toy figures from when I was little." Adrien says. "We could use those."
"Great!" I say shoving my iPad into my bag. "We should head to my place first."
He cleans up his stuff on the table and steps he bag to his back.

Instead of taking the car again we walk to my place. As we enter through the front door of my family's bakery we are greeted by the smell of freshly baked cupcakes. My mother slaves over the oven in the back pouring batter into cupcake pans. She then opens to oven and takes out a tray of cupcakes. "Hi Mama" I say. "Hi sweetly." She replies. "Hello Adrien. What are you two doing here?"
"We're doing a project for one of our classes." I explain. "We'll only be be a minute."
"Sounds fun I'll be down here. Your father is out delivering a cake."

I lead Adrien through the door in the back of the bakery, and up the stairs to our apartment. We walk through the living room, up another flight of stairs and into my room. Tikki fights inside my purse wanting to be let out, but I hold the purse close as I search for the box. Tikki doesn't give up.
"Hey Adrien." I say. "Yeah Marinette?" He replies.
"Would you take a look around my desk." I ask. "I'll be right back." Quickly I climb the ladder up to my bed and out the skylight. I look back to see if he followed me, and finally I open the my purse to let Tikki out.
"What where you thinking?!" I whisper shout. "Adrien could have seen you!"
"Never mind that!" She whisper shouts. "Now' sour chance to tell Adrien how you feel."
"This is not the time for that!"
"This is the perfect time for that!"
"Found it!" I hear from behind us.
Tikki quickly flies back in my purse and snaps shut. Adrien's head pops out from the skylight. "Wow." He says looking around my hang out places. "You have your own balcony?"
"Yeah." I say. "I remember when I was little I would sneak up here and watch movies late at night."
He walks up to the metal railing outlining the top of the building. He leans over it, bracing himself with his arms on the bars. I walk other and stand next to him, bracing myself on the railing too.
"The view is beautiful from here." He sighs gazing out onto Paris. "Yeah."  Sigh too. "It really is." I gaze out onto Paris, my eyes roaming from the Eiffel Tower to the Louvre to the park. "We should start to head to the park." I say turning to him. "Then back to your place. Deal?" He looks at me shocked and confused. The look doesn't last long because it's replaced by a warm smile.
Hoped you guys enjoyed the longer part. I'll try to post more for you guys that read this. Love yoooooooooooouuuu!!!!!

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