Doctors Visit

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"You really don't have to pay." Marinette says as we walk down the isle.
"That pup is my responsibility too." I say inspecting a blue collar of the shelf.
She grabs a leash from a hook, and puts it into the shopping basket she holds. "I know, but I can pay it."
"I insists." I say putting of couple of dog toys in the basket.
We head to the back of the store where the clinic is. One of the vets leads us into a room where Hunter is on a examination table. Once Marinette enters the room the pup immediately jumps onto her. As he starts to lick her face I crack a smile.
"I gave Hunter his needed shots." I female doctor explains. "Surprisingly for a puppy that has been on the streets he has no infections, no worms, just underweight."
"What do we do to get him at a good weight?" I ask scratching the dogs head.
"Try feeding him twice a day with True Blue dig food." The doctor suggests. "I'll buy it."
"Thank you." Marinette says placing Hunter onto the metal exam table. She then pulls out the blue collar I picked from the basket, and clips it onto Hunter's neck. The dark blue of the collar stands out in the pups white fur. It's blue and orange eyes scanning the room.
"It my pleasure. You two were so kind to take Hunter in instead of a kill shelter." The doctors says.
"Well, this guy is too cute to pass up." Marinette says scratching Hunter's chin.
After attaching the leash to Hunter's collar the vet pays for our stuff. I call the Gorilla to come pick us up, because I am NOT carrying the big bag of dog food. Ten minutes later the Gorilla picks us up, and drives us back to Marinette's.
A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short. I planed it to be longer, but decide to make the next part a different chapter. Anyway the next chapter will have a lot of fluff. AND NOT THAT ONE THING! Just cute little moments between our favorite couple. goodbye for now my lovelies. Loooooooove yoooooou.

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