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The amusement park was the finest thing I've done as Adrien in a long time. And Marinette seems to be having a blast. After riding a few of the attractions we stroll the food court.
"Hungry?" I ask, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.
Browsing the food stands we end up buying a couple corndogs. We sits ourselves on a park bench next to a patch of flowers. Finishing my dog first I sit patiently for her to finish. When she does I throw away our garbage. She starts get up from the bench, but keep her from doing so.
"Wait." I say.
"What is it Kitty?" She ask curiously.
"I have something for you." I say, reaching for my jacket pocket.
"No, no. You've given me enough gifts." She says sitting back down.
"An I'm not done yet." I joke. "After I give you this I'm gonna win you a prize."
I pull out the heart pendant, and she goes quiet. I hold it out so it shines in the sunlight. Marinette gasps, holding her hands over her mouth.
"It's so beautiful." She says in awe.
I set the locket in my palm, and open it up too reveal the pictures of us.
"Adrien." Is all she says.
Closing the necklace I leans over to her, and with both hands I clip it around her neck. Pulling my hand back I cup her cheek.
"I love you Marinette." I say.
"I love you too."
Leaning closer our lips meet. I don't care where we are, or who can see us. I don't even care if they take pictures of us. These will always be our moments. When the world around us disappears leaving just us in each other's embrace, lips together.
The nosiness of the park brings us back to the real world, where there are other people. Slowly leaning away I notice a a black figure in the distance fading behind a vending stand. Shrugging the sight off I also notice a carnival game ready to play. Taking Marinette's hand in mine I pull her over to the stand.
"Pick a prize. I'll win it for you." I says gesturing to the shelf full of prizes.
Scanning the shelf her eyes land on a a stuffed baby seal. Just then a woman in a red and white striped shirt steps our why and asks. "You guys want play?"
"Yeah." I answers. "How to you play?"
The woman points to the four podiums in the center of the booth. "The purpose of the game of the game is to flip or throw a quarter into on of the pedestals. If you get one on you can get any prize in the booth."
Reaching for my wallet I take out a few quarters. Carefully I try to flip each quarter onto the glass tables. Each one so ar has bounced off. I'm done to my last quarter, but I haven't given up. I turn back to Marinette, and give her a reassuring smile. Turning back, I softly as I can, flip the last coin. It lands on the glass and bounces once, twice, three times. It stops bouncing and to slide against the glass. Starting to slow, it's stops right on the edge of the podium. Half on, half off.
"Winner!" The lady says pressing a button that lights up the booth. "What prize would you like?"
I point to the seal. "That one please."
Picking it off the shelf she hands it to me, and I hand it to Marinette. She hugs the stuffed creature, and then kisses my cheek. "Thank you Kitty."
"Anything for you Bug-a-boo."
Wrapping my arm around her shoulders again I lead her away from the booth. I glance at the clocker tower a few yards away, and read 2:34. We should have time to get in a couple more rides. Just then the Gorilla walks up to us, and points towards a ride. Marinette and I turn to face the ride he points too.
Following his direction my eyes land on.......
A love tunnel.
A/N: Sorry guys for the shorter chapter. I'm still feeling under the weather, and my mom and I can not for the life of us figure out what is wrong with me. Any you guys will ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE NEXT CHAPTER! I promise. I'll make it up to you guys. Goodbye for now my lovelies. Loooooooove yoooooooooooou.

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