The Reveal

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Adrien and I  heard screams as we were leaving the park. People were yelling a running away from something in fear, and kept dumping into us. Surprisingly Sabrina was one of the people that bumped into me while fleeing from the danger. Adrien and I turn to see Chloé rise from the ground to the sky. When she appeared I couldn't breath, my mind racing a million miles per second. But one question stood  out.

How am I going to get away from Adrien to transform?

"I am the Fear Princess." Chloé cackles. "I exploit people's darkest fears so they do my biding. I am a princess and I will have my prince!"

Two purple globs form around her hands. The evil smile disappears from her face, replaced by anger.
"Adrien is mine, Marinette! And you can't take him away from me!" She fires one of the globs toward me. Adrien suddenly shoves me into a nearby bush, nearly dodging the purple sphere. I land with a thud on the ground, and he lands on top of me. (This also happened in the episode of The Gamer. Go check it out on YouTube.) Using his body he shields me against another blast.
"You will me mine!" The Fear Princess screams. "Where are you?!"
Another blast.
"What do we do?" I whisper to Adrien.
He seems claim. Focused. "Stay here. I'll get help."
He starts to get up, and I try to warn him. "No. Wait-"
He runs off, and I can't see where.
"I am not going to let Chloé get her way." I say filled with determination, (See previous chapter for joke) and scurry to my feet. "Tikki! Spots on!"
Tikki flies out of my purse, and flashing lights of red and pink appear around me. My Ladybug suit encases my body. First my mask, then arms, them legs. Flipping out from behind the bush I yell to the Fear Princess. "Stop!"
"Awww. Ladybug." Chloé grins. "I may be your number one fan, but I won't hold back! I will use people's fear to become a princess!"
"People's fears are not to be toyed with!" I try to reason with her.
"Forcing people to live through their darkest fears they hide away deep inside is the worst thing in the world!" A familiar voice says from behind me.
I turn and look up to see my partner on top of a building. "Cat Noir!"
"My Lady." He purrs.
"I have no time for this!" Chloé grunts. "I have a boy to make fall love in love with me. Prepare Ladybug, now it's your turn."
Two more spheres fly my way, but I flip out of the way. Cat Noir jumps off the building to my side. The Fear Princess flies after us. Debris flies our away, trying to stop us. A fully grown tree rips from the ground, and smashes into Cat noir, pinning him to the ground.
"Cat Noir!" I scream.
I rush to his side, and try to push the tree off him. He pulls his feet out from under the tree. A cackling voice appears above us. I look up to see Chloé ready to attack. Cat Noir pulls me into an embrace as a purple sphere heads our way. At the last second the glob becomes black and gets bigger. It encases around us, trapping us inside a box.
"Hahaha." We hear come from outside the box. "Two birds with one stone."
The box begins to tighten until Cat Noir and I are nothing but a tangle of limbs. One of the box's walls slams into back, forcing my head onto his chest. Quickly I pull away, heat rushing to my cheeks.
He'll never let me live this down.
I bring my knees to my chest, but I can't do anything about the sear closeness of him and me. I can see his cheeks turn a bright red.
"So you have a fear of confinement?" He chocks out.
"No." I say. "Do you?"
"Then what is so scary about it to us?"
Just then a beeping sound fills the box. My miraculous is about to run out of power.
Oh no no no no no!
Then another beeping goes off.
Oh no! Not his too! That means.....
I don't know how to feel about this. I don't want to break my deal with Cat Noir, but what if he doesn't like me as Marinette.
"This is great." He exclaims joyfully. "I get to know who my lady is."
I look at him scared. Scared of who I am. Scared what he will think.
"But this is your fear? Isn't it?" He sympathizes.
"No." I sigh. "It's something else."
"Hey." He says softly, touching my chin with his hand. I would usually bat it way, but I can't bring myself to do so. He lifts my chin to look straight at him. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I don't need to know right know."
"I...." I start. "I'm just afraid of what will you think of the other me."
He looks at me shocked. Hurt. Siding his arm around my waist he pulls me close.
"Whoever you are...." He starts. "I will still feel the same way for you... My Lady."
I close my eyes, and my worries fade away, along with my Ladybug suit. His costume disappears too in a flash of red and green light. The lights evaporates, and I open my eyes. I see Tikki and a tiny black cat sitting in the corner of the box. Along with Adrien holding me in his embrace.
So I debated on whether too keep writing this chapter, and I couldn't find a good place in my book To end. So next chapter will have a short part with Marinette's POV, but then it will switch to Adrien's. Hope you liked the chapter. Comment what you think what Lucky Charm should be to defeat The Fear Princess (Chloé). See you later my lovelies. Looooooooooove yoooooooou. 
Ps- Thank you to my best friend angelina12053 for incourage game me to publish my fanfiction.

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