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"You ready to get rich?" Adrien asks as he sits down in the couch, petting Hunter on the head. He wears striped pajama pants and a white shirt. I wear pink sweat pants with a T-shirt. My pendant, that I never take off, rests on my collar. Tikki and Plagg sit on the back of the sofa.
"They have to win first." I say grabing the popcorn from the microwave. "But yeah! We could expand the bakery, or pay for college."
"Man. College." He says. I sit down in his lap with the popcorn in hand. He wraps his arms around me, and turns on the TV. "I can't believe is only three years away."
"I know." I say popping a piece of popcorn into my mouth. "Of course you don't have to worry about paying. You're already rich."
"And soon you will be to." He says before kissing my cheek.
I let him take the popcorn out of my hands as I rest my head in the crook of his neck.  
"Promise we'll always be together even if we go to different colleges." I sigh, leaning more into his embrace.
"I promise." He says lifting my chin up so I look straight into his eyes. "I promise that one day, after college, I'll get down on one knee and repeat the words 'Will you marry me?'"
"And I'll say 'Yes.'"
Suddenly, Tikki and Plagg fly up to us, each kwami holding a gold ring.
"By the time we go to college I'll be buried in gifts and you'll be broke." I tease.
"It'll be worth it."
He takes the ring away from Tikki, and takes my left hand into his. On my ring finger he slips the smooth ring on, and kisses my hand softly. He then takes the other ring from Plagg, and slips it on his middle finger so it won't get in the way of his miraculous.
"Not only do these promise rings keep us together as a couple." He starts.
"They promise that we'll always be partners fighting crime and Hawk Moth....... Until the end." I finish.
I lean closer to him so our noses touch, and breaths mix.
"I love you." He whisper against my lips.
"I love you too."
Our mouths meet, and he pulls me closer. Hunter barks making us pull apart, and all we could do is laugh. I scratch Hunter's head and resume watching my parents baking.
A/N: Btw. The show Marinette's parents are on is Cake Wars.
Adrien and I sit on the couch holding our breaths as the final judging starts.
"Our judges are ready to begin!" The shows host says.
The judges start off with the other last competitor. They have a cake shaped like the superhero Superman. But while they where moving the cake to the his head fell of.
"The cake tasted good, but it would have been nice for the cake to be completed." The first judge comments.
"I dido that statement." The next one says.
"I will be honest. I did not like your cake. I tasted ok, but the presentation was horrible." The final judge speaks up.
The backer they just judge starts to tear up as she backs away from her cake. I feel bad for the poor woman. She worked really hard on her cake just to have it destroyed. My parents step up to their cake ready to face anything that the judges have to say. Their cake are figures of are me and Adrien, but not just us. They cake is a replica of the Ladybug and Cat Noir statue like in the park, but in color.
"Now tell us." The host says. "Who are these superheroes?"
"This is Ladybug and Cat noir." Papa explains. "They're are real superheroes from Paris."
"Wow some real superheroes." The host says turning to the camera. "Well then, let's start the taste portion of the judging."
Mama cuts three parts of the cake they worked so hard to make, and passes them to the judges. Each of them takes a bit, but nothing is expressed on their faces.
"Ok let the judging begin!" The host says finally after what seemed like forever of them eating.
"The taste was excellent, and I loved the idea of using superhero from where you're from." The first judge explains.
"I like the superheroes, but the regular superheroes are over used in my opinion. It's nice to see something different." The second comments.
"The cake was rich with flavor, and I agree with the superhero statement."
"Well then that settles it." The host says. "Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, you are the winners!"
Mama and Papa hug. The host then hands them a small check with the writing for $10,000.
"Yay! Mama and Papa!" I screams jumping out of my seat on Adrien's lap.
"Is there anything that you would like to say to the viewers at home?" The host asks my parents.
"We want to thank our daughter at home in Paris for believing in us." Mama says turing to the camera.
"Hi Marinette!" Papa waves.
Adrien gets up from the sofa, and pulls me into his embrace. "So. How does it feel to be $10,000 dollars richer?"
"Not that much different." I say. "But it is really cool."
"Well I have a feeling that you will be much richer in the future." He says
"You mean we'll be much richer in the future." I say taping his nose with my finger.
"Yeah." He chuckles. "We."
A/N: O.M.G. Guys guess what...... I. Just. Finished. The story! OMG! I finished my first fan fiction on Wattpad. Thank you to all those that supported me throughout my journey of publishing my first fanfic. And I have plenty more to come, along with originals. My next one is be a Jelsa fanfic. Can't wait to see you there! But I just had an idea for a epilogue! Comment if you want me to write a final chapter. Goodbye my lovelies. Looooove yoooooou❣💠

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