Prologue: La zori de timp

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Prologue:  La zori de timp

 Man was moving fast.  They learned how to make fire, that it was very hot, and burned man’s fingers when he tried to touch it.  Spears were made to kill the animals.  Other tools were made to help with daily life.  Language developed.

Most used caves as shelter from beasts and rain.  Others developed huts.  Villages erected.  Fights broke out over food.  Chieftains were brought to power to keep man in line in his village.  Huts allowed man to get away from everyone else, unlike those who still slept in caves.

Life was well.  Man and woman looked similar, dark hair and eyes.  Skin tanned from being outside in the light all day.  Many babies died from the dire conditions, but just as many survived to grow up.

But then, a child was born with hair the color of fire.  His mother died after giving birth to him.  Many people thought he was a demon, sent to destroy everyone.  His father ignored the accusations, and named his son Ragnah.

Ragnah was a very weak child.  He had to feed from another mother who had just had a child, but he received the bare minimum to survive.  His skin stayed pale, and his eyes were brighter than the leaves on the trees.

But despite the fact that no one but his father liked him, Ragnah steadily grew into a man, two hands taller than the chieftain.  The men feared him.  The women couldn’t stop gazing at him and gossiping about him because he was so different.  He had done nothing but bring food and water for everyone and defended them against would be attackers, and they still didn’t like him.  He was just like everyone else, only he looked slightly different.

Ragnah didn’t mind it when they ignored him as a child.  He found it tiresome when they admired him after a very successful hunt.  So he spent a lot of time in solitude, discovering new places beyond the village.

One day, when he was about to leave to go exploring, some travelers arrived.  Everyone was wary about the new people, so he had to stay to protect if it came to it.  The travelers claimed they were just passing through, looking for somewhere new to live.  The chieftain allowed for them to rest for the night, and ordered for a feast to treat the guests.

Right before Ragnah left with the hunting party, he saw a woman with hair the color of dead grass and eyes deeper than water.  She was a straggler with the travelers, and had many cuts and bruises on her fair skin.  Ragnah felt sorry for her while he hunted.  She must have been treated worse than he was as a child.

The hunting party returned to the tribe right before the dark set in.  Ragnah had felled a boar that was almost as big as he was.  The travelers were amazed at him.  He sat down by the fire while the women carefully cut the fur off the animals.  Everything would be used:  the meat to eat, the bones to be made into tools, and the pelt for warmth.

After a few moments, Ragnah was joined by the different woman.  She was called Kuterrah, and her voice was so soft as she spoke to him.  She told him that her people’s land was under constant attack from another tribe.  Both her mother and father were killed in an attack.  No one wanted to take her in since she looked different than everyone else, so she was forced to live on her own in the village.  But now, they were looking for somewhere to live in peace.  She would be constantly tormented because of her looks no matter where she went.

Ragnah felt sorry for Kuterrah again, especially after her chieftain’s son came and kicked dirt in her face.  Ragnah carefully wiped the dirt from her face and hair, glaring at the man, while Kuterrah silently cried.  He told her to not cry, that everything would be fine.

When the meat was blackened, Ragnah got up to get them some, but Kuterrah stood also, taking his hand in hers as they walked.  He thought about how he could have been the first person to show kindness towards her, and felt terrible that she had to go through what she did.

Amalgamation *Sequel to Tsuldoolb and Tohsdoolb* *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now