Epilogue: Dispensation

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Epilogue:  Dispensation

“She’s cute.  What’s her name?”  I knew he was talking so he could fight back tears.

I wasn’t doing as well as my brother.  “Dallas Rae.”

“What does the will say?”

“I-I’ll read it later tonight.  To everyone.”

He nodded.  “What’s the syringe for?”

“Daddy bit her, but he wasn’t sure if it worked.  I’ll have to inject the juice into her if his bite didn’t work.”

“Okay.  Are you going to be okay with her and Vesta?”

I nodded.  “I think they chose me because I need to learn more about children.  Donatella and Lazzaro are going into double digits, so they’ll be easy to take care of.  We’ll both raise her.  She’s as much your sister as she is mine.”

The ground finally stopped shaking.  They’re gone…. I handed Dallas to Tracen, and ran to my room, tears falling the whole way.  Brick tried to calm me down, but he couldn’t.  My parents were gone after being here for me and my brother for three hundred years.  I couldn’t think about them not being here, abandoning in a sense their newborn baby, leaving me to raise her.

I only got up out of bed when I heard Vesta crying.  Tracen had given Dallas to Brick, and left to tell his children that Grandma and Grandpa were no longer here.  I let Vesta bite me while I fixed her a bottle.  Brick was sitting at the table, watching Dallas sleep.

“You should read the will, Blaze,” he softly said.

“I know.”

After I fed Vesta and put her back in her crib, I took the papers from my husband, and read.  I was surprised that I didn’t cry when I saw my mother’s writing.  Brick read it over my shoulder, and finished it a couple seconds after I did.

“What does this mean?”

“Well, she gave me primary custody of Dallas, so we have to take care of her as much as possible.  I need to go read this to everyone.”

I took my sister from him, and waited for him to get our daughter before I called a Law to summon all of the Rage in Rome.  Tracen and his family arrived the Chamber before we did.  I handed Dallas to him, and told him to stand with me when I read our parents last request.

Everyone who gathered was unusually quiet.  Someone brought me a podium and microphone before saying that this would be broadcasted on the Rage News.

Instead of stuttering and getting nervous, I went ahead and spoke, not thinking of what to say.

“Everyone knows that my mother’s vampire power showed up four months ago, that she finally obtained the powers of the extinct Knowledges.  She said that the element Ununseptium is what powers us.  It’s all around us, inside us.”  I paused to sigh.  “The world was almost destroyed today.  Vanessa and Reagan, my mother and father, gave themselves to the Ununseptium to save us, just like the Knowledges thousands of years ago.

“I know that everyone knew that my mother was pregnant.  Do not worry.”  I motioned for Tracen to come forward.  “Dallas is safe.”

They all gasped when they saw her.  I didn’t blame them.

“If everyone remains silent, I will read my parent’s will.”

I waited a moment before continuing.

“‘I, Vanessa Arabela Somola, name Dallas Rae Somola as my successor.  Since she is not even a day old, my daughter and son, Blaze Sera Comis and Tracen Ryne Somola are temporary Leaders, though I give full custody of Dallas to Blaze.  They will help Dallas learn the ways of the Court until she is ready to take over at eighteen.  Dallas has full authority when she understands how the system works, but Blaze and Tracen will help her until she is eighteen.

“‘I have named Dallas as my successor because she is a Rage of Knowledge.  Please do not bombard her with questions for she is just a child.

“‘Both Reagan Hardy Somola and I leave all of our non-Chamber possessions to Blaze, Tracen, and Dallas.  Our bank accounts are to be changed over to Dallas, and she cannot access them until she is sixteen.  Blaze and Tracen can access them at any time as long as it is for their sister.  Uriel Angelo Ambgel’s house is also to go to Dallas.

“‘If anyone would like to know why Reagan and I gave ourselves to the Ununseptium or why Dallas is a Knowledge, consult my book.  One person is to read it at a time, and it is not to leave the Archives.

“‘Also, tell everyone in Reagan’s family that we love them and are very sorry we couldn’t tell them ourselves.  The Ununseptium becoming unstable happened at such short notice.  If we had time, we would have gone to Britain and America to tell you ourselves.

“‘My last Law I am creating before we die is:  There are to be no more Rage Created.  Only those born are allowed, but we are limiting everyone to three children maximum.  If you have more than that already, it is okay.  There are too many Rage in the world, so I’m sorry to have to say that if you are over the age of fifty, you can no longer have children. I’m sorry, Blaze, but Vesta is to be your only child unless Dallas decides otherwise.

“‘Please do not take your anger out on any of my children.  They did not create this Law.  Once the Rage population has dwindled down to two billion, then the Law is abolished.  But that doesn’t mean anyone should go out and start killing every Rage they see just so they can have children.

“‘Good-bye, and we love you’ Signed, Vanessa Somola and Reagan Somola.”  I wiped away my tears.  “That’s all for now.  We will miss my mother and father, and sometime, I would like for a statue to be built in their honor.  I’m sure Tracen agrees on me with that, and Dallas would like to see the sacrifice they made to save her and all of us.

“Since Dallas is too young to pick Court members, everyone on my mother’s Court will remain unless Dallas decides otherwise.  We’ll hold the mourning ceremony tomorrow.”

Everyone started talking when I turned to Tracen.  “You better call Grandma.  I can’t talk to her right now.”

“Okay.  What about Mom and Dad’s stuff?”

“We’ll go through it tomorrow.”

“Are you and Brick and Vesta moving in here?”

I nodded.  “It’s Dallas’ home, and we have to raise her.”  I took her from him, and held her close.  Her lime green eyes looked up at me, tears filling them like she was going to cry.  “Do you think she knows they’re gone?”

“Maybe.  She’s the smartest person in the world after all.”

I could see a lot of Daddy in her, like her jaw, nose, and straight hair, but she had Mom’s eyes.  All of her green reminded me of Daddy’s original eye color.  At least Tracen and I would be able to see our parents in her.

Then, her tears spilled over.  “It’s okay, Dallas.  You know Mommy and Daddy loved you,” I whispered to her.

She continued to silently cry.

“Blaze and I will take care of you, Dallas.  Don’t worry.”  Tracen was getting choked up.

“You’ll be just fine, Dallas.  I promise.”

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