10. Discovery

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 10:  Discovery

I was so miserable.  I couldn’t even function properly.  So, I asked Daddy and Shema if they could temporarily take over again.  Not many people were happy with me not ruling.  I couldn’t eat.  I couldn’t sleep.  Many human protesters came to the capital to tell me that I needed to step down.  They didn’t know that it didn’t work that way.

Since I threw away my old bed sheets, I asked my mother to buy me new ones.  She also helped me clean the stone floors.  I almost promised myself no more vampires after that.

I tried to go on like normal, like last time, but I struggled with simple things.  I missed that he wasn’t there beside me, asleep, when I woke up.  I missed him coming to find me after he did wake.  I missed so many things about him.  I needed to stop thinking about him….

I held a meeting about a week after I left him.  I needed to go back to my duties as Leader, and couldn’t rely on my dad and aunt every time I was depressed.

We were barely winning the war.  I suggested that we tried to take back smaller countries—France and Greece—once we recovered a little.  No one objected.  Britain took longer to fall than Germany had.

Since I was still in danger from Talimo, I didn’t get out much.  It was so boring just sitting there.  But what could I do?  I had to stay safe so I could lead my people.

I hated my bedroom, but I didn’t like the other two bedrooms in the house.  So I had to suck it up, and forget about what happened there.  When I could sleep, I had nightmares about him trying to bite me while he was crazed.  I would always wake up crying; he would either kill me or he left like I had told him to in my dreams.

I would toss and turn frequently, and history was doomed to repeat itself.

I was sure it was him when I woke up this time.  And like last time, I tried to get away, and he whispered, “Shhh.  I won’t hurt you, Vanessa.”  Unlike last time, he didn’t undress.

In fact, he got off me, sat beside me, and allowed for me to sit up.  “What do you want?”  Tears welled up.

“Calix called me at sunset.”


“He’s made a very interesting discovery.”  That’s when I noticed he had something in his hand.  “A certain plant was believed to have gone extinct a while ago, but he found some and studied it.  It’s wolfsbane.”

“Okay.  And you’re telling me this why?”

“If vampires eat it, it allows for us to go out into the sun.  Since England is safe, some Rage went there, and he got one to try wolfsbane.  If you eat this, I can drink from you.”

My eyes grew wide.  I didn’t want this.

“Before you say anything, Vanessa,” he softly said as he set the bag down and took my hands.  “I’m willing to become a Rage if you allow me to drink from you just once.”

The tears spilled over.  “But I don’t know what would happen to you.  I don’t know if you’d be more vampire than Rage, or the other way around, or anything….”

“I’m willing to do anything to keep you mine, Vanessa.  Just, please?”

“What if you still live forever?  I’ll still die.”

He gently wiped my tears away.  “We could become hybrids together.”

I bit my lip, looking away from him.  “I don’t want to make a snap decision on this.”

Amalgamation *Sequel to Tsuldoolb and Tohsdoolb* *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now