5. Exception

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 5:  Exception

While Reagan was at work, I went to the Archives to read.  He’d always beat me back to his apartment, food ready, every day.  At night, before we went to sleep, we’d kiss and talk about nothing in general.

One night at the end of the week though, he told me that his car was acting funny, and that he had to take it to his grandfather so he can fix whatever was wrong with it.  He’d be gone for about a week.  When I asked him if he knew he was going away from me when I was on my period, he just laughed.

Before he left, he told me I could stay in his apartment however long I wanted.  I’d be safe here since no one knew where I was.  I might take him up on that offer, though it would be very boring without him here.

While he was gone, I went back and forth between staying at the Chamber and Reagan’s.  Ryne held a lot of meetings during the week, and the Court was glad to see that I was safe.  There hadn’t been any more sightings of the American soldiers, but everyone agreed that I needed to stay hidden.

The day after my period ended, I decided to wait for Reagan to return at his place.  I tried to cook something for dinner, but I wasn’t sure what his favorite dish was.  So, I settled for an authentic Italian dinner to help him get back into the Italian life.

But before I could get to cooking, I realized that I hadn’t stretched or worked out since my team was captured.  So, I put on some loose clothing, and stretched before doing some splits in the living room floor.

My muscles ached from not being used like they used to.  I eventually had to pop some of my joints to get them to bend properly.  But it felt so good.

Then, I went over to the table, and used it to steady myself as I stretched my leg at as close to a one hundred eighty degree angle as I could.  As I stood like that, I stretched out my back and neck.  I’d have to do this more often.

I jumped a little when he wrapped his arms around my waist and leg, and kissed my cheek.  “I missed you, Vanessa.”

“You scared me; I didn’t hear you come through the door.”  I leaned into him, glad to be back in his arms.  “I missed you, too, Reagan.”

“I’m sorry.  Why exactly are you stretching?”

“I haven’t stretched in over a week, and this feels so good right now...especially you holding me.”

He kissed my cheek again, and did not release me.  “What all did you do while I was away?”

“I read some books in the Archives.”  He finally let go of me, letting me turn around, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.  “I was very bored without you here at night.”

He barely touched his lips to mine.  “I’m here now.  When is dinner going to be ready?”

“Soon.  You just go sit on the couch and relax while I get it ready.”

We both smiled before he kissed me again.  He sprawled out on the couch as I cooked in the tiny kitchen.  I was happy to have him back.  As I stirred the noodles, I thought about our relationship.

Reagan was a great looking guy.  He was sweet with me, and didn’t try to control me like Fabio had done on the dance floor.  He let me stay in his apartment without any fuss while Fabio had been a little aggravated at me for storing my hidden trophies at his place.  Fabio and I couldn’t do anything because he wanted me to go on and be a dancer.  Reagan was human….

But the only downside was that we hardly knew each other.  So, as I finished cooking, I asked him some questions.  I wanted to know about his family and more about him.  I’d do the same about me later.

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