12. Wedding

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 12:  Wedding

Right before I was released from the hospital, Dolan came and gave me a piece of his mind.  He said the exact same thing Daddy did, and he didn’t like Reagan all that much, either.  They would just have to get over it because I was marrying him.

Word spread fast about what had happened to me.  Protesters and reporters were outside of the hospital, yelling things I couldn’t understand and questions at me.  The Rage knew that Reagan bit me.  The humans thought that he beat me within an inch of my life.  Either way, we ignored them as we went back to the capital.  The protesters followed.

When he slipped the silver ring onto my finger, I wanted so badly to call my mother and tell her.  But, I wanted to keep his promise of keeping it secret as long as possible.  I wonder what would happen when everyone found out.

Since I wanted a baby as soon as possible, our engagement would last not even two weeks.  I didn’t mind; neither did my vampire.  He was looking forward to Changing, to trying actual food.  I told him that I’d cook him one of my favorite dishes for him to sample after the Change was complete, and his eyes lit up at the thought of food.

I was not looking forward to drinking blood on the other hand.  The thought of it disgusted me.  Thankfully, I’d still be able to live off of actual food.

When it got closer and closer to when I would start—in vampire terms, not human/Rage—I told my dad that I was going to Greece to check on its reconstruction progress.  He grew skeptical when I said that Reagan would be accompanying me.  He still hated him for almost killing me.  So did everyone else.

I would visit Greece…eventually.  I had other priorities, though.  For instance, packing up and preparing myself for both Changes.  I knew how to create a Rage, but I had never done it before.  Reagan knew this, and countered by saying that he had never converted someone to vampirism either.

We took his car to the northern most part of Italy.  I disguised myself when we checked into the hotel under Maddock’s name so that no one would go blabbing to my dad.  They also said that they recognized Reagan a little, but we played it off.

“How long will I be down?” he asked as he closed the hotel door.

“Two days.  Me?”

“About an hour.  You’ll need to feed when you wake up.  Make sure you don’t take too much from me.”

I made a gagging noise as I closed the curtains.  “Okay.  You should be safe while you’re changing.  I’ll Heal you as much as I can.”


“It’s supposed to be painful.”

I had brought some home cooked food with us, and thankfully, there was a mini fridge in our room.  He was right behind me, hands on my hips.  “Are you ready to become my bride?” he whispered in my ear.

Shivering from his breath on my skin, I nodded.

“Come on, then.”

He held my hand tightly as I followed him back out the hotel.  We didn’t speak, but we weren’t getting cold feet.  Plus, the drive to the courthouse wasn’t very long.

I kept my disguise until we were inside a room with a judge.  He jumped a little when he discovered it was me.  “M-Miss Gastlyn!  I-I didn’t realize it was you.  Why are you getting married this way?”

He was a Law, so he knew about Reagan.

“I get sick around religious things.  This is the only way we can marry,” he explained.

Amalgamation *Sequel to Tsuldoolb and Tohsdoolb* *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now