14: Lupo

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 14:  Lupo

We were able to keep my pregnancy a secret for a while.  Since it was the end of my cycle for the rest of my life, people didn’t find it odd that I had to lock up Reagan any more.  It was nice having him by my side every night now.

Just because I was a little paranoid, I took a pregnancy test…that of course said positive.  I was extremely giddy about it, and my husband quickly caught onto my mood.  Blaze would have too had she been a little older.  But she’d probably be one year old when her sibling was born.  I counted, and was positive that I was due in December again.

This pregnancy was proving to be drastically different from the first one.  I was constantly sick, throwing up at the smell of food.  I could barely tolerate giving Blaze her bottle because it made my stomach upset.  And since I didn’t hold Court often, I was able to hide it from everyone.

But, I knew I couldn’t put off a meeting for forever.  When I was about three months along, I had to hold one to see how the war was going.  Reagan was by my side, holding our daughter.

No one said anything about how I looked.  I tried to cover my slightly protruding stomach with a baggy shirt, but…my dad stared at me with his eyes narrowed the entire time.  I really didn’t want to have a confrontation with him.

And sure enough, when everyone left, he came over to us.

“Vanessa, is there something else you want to tell us?  Or more specifically, me?”

“Uh…what do you mean?”  Reagan became a little tense.

“You’re acting different.  And you look a little pale.  Are you not feeling well?”

I looked at my Adonis to see what we should do.  I knew exactly what he would say, though.  I’d have to tell them sooner or later.  I sighed.  “No, I have not been feeling well.”

“Why haven’t you Healed yourself?”

“Because I can’t Heal it.”

“What’s wrong with you then?”

“Please, please, please, please, please, please do not get mad at us, Daddy.”

“What is it, Vanessa?”  He was getting a little angry.

“I-I’m about t-t-three months.”

His face grew a little red.  “You had better not mean what I think you mean.”

“I’m three months…along with Blaze’s sibling, Daddy.”

 “What the hell, Vanessa?!  It is way too soon for you to be pregnant again!”  He turned his attention to my husband.  “You!”

“No, Daddy.  It was me.  I wanted another baby.  And…I’m not able to have one after this one.  I won’t have my cycle ever again, and I didn’t want for Blaze to be our only child.  So don’t blame anyone but me.  And what does it matter?  Blaze will be one when it’s born.  I think we can handle it.”

Daddy was quiet for a few minutes, trying to control his breathing.  “I am not very happy with you, Vanessa.”

“Be unhappy.  It’s not going to change anything.”

And with that, he stormed out, not even looking at me or Blaze.  He could ignore me, but he shouldn’t ignore his granddaughter.  That just pissed me off.

So, Reagan spent a majority of the day trying to calm me down.  He wasn’t happy with my father’s behavior, but he never said anything about it; he was tense ever since my dad left, so that was how I knew how he felt.  But he was very gentle with our daughter, not showing any kind of anger whatsoever as he held her, which made me smile.

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