9. London

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 9:  London

“Wake up, Vanessa,” I heard Reagan whisper in my ear.

“Huh?  What time is it?”

“Two.  We need to hurry so I can make it home before the sun comes up.”


He helped me out of the car and took my hand as he led me into a building.  No one was in it, and it was lit by candles for some reason.  “Fluorescents hurt our eyes,” Reagan explained as he sniffed the air.  He led me down a series of hallways, and knocked on a random door.  Calix must be in the room.

“Come in,” I heard a man say.

Reagan opened the door, and closed it behind me.  It was an examination room, and a red haired man with eyes the same shade as Reagan’s was dressed in scrubs, reading over papers in a manila folder.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

This man looked similar to the man that was in many of my dreams.  Only, his hair was a little longer, and I couldn’t see any piercings in his ears.  What the hell?

Reagan brought me out of my thoughts by saying, “Hey, Cal.  This is the girl I told you about.  Vanessa Gastlyn.”

His eyes widened as he looked at us.  “V-Vanessa Gastlyn?  The Vanessa Gastlyn, ruler of Italy?”

“Yes,” I nearly choked.

“I wish you would have told me that, Reagan.  It would have been safer for me to go to Italy.”

“Kidnapping her was the only way for me to get her here.”

He cocked an eyebrow at us.  “Kidnapping?”

“Not exactly anymore,” I clarified.  I couldn’t stop staring at him.

“I don’t want to know.”  He shuddered.  He must know about Reagan’s past.  “So, what exactly are you, Vanessa?  Oh!  Do you mind me calling you that?”

“No, not at all.”  Well, he wasn’t a human, and I had already told Reagan a lot about my kind.  The rule only stated humans weren’t to know about us.  “I’m a Rage.  My people have been the rightful rulers of Italy since we discovered it.”  I’d tell him about my dream later…maybe.

“What exactly is a Rage?”

I named him off the different types.  “I can control everything.  When Ryne died, the throne was supposed to pass to my father and aunt since they were on the Court, but I’m rare and they let me rule, like Ryne’s grandmother.”


I nodded, surprised.  How old was Calix?  Was he that man in my dreams?

“Reagan said that you had wings?”

I grew them out, along with my horns.  “You didn’t mention those,” Reagan said, astounded.

“Rage wings can change from light to dark and vice versa.  For some reason, they darken when we don’t spend a lot of time around other Rage, and lighten when we do.  My wings will not change for some unknown reason.  But when Ryne’s parents were murdered, he took up a life filled with lust, and directed that lust towards humans.  He hardly spent any time around any Rage.  When his wings couldn’t darken anymore, he grew horns.  That is a trait that is hereditary, so my grandfather, father, aunt, brother, cousin, and I have horns.  I’m the only one with two.”

“Interesting.  Interesting,” Calix said as he took notes on a legal pad.  “So, why don’t your wings change?”

“I’m not sure.”

Amalgamation *Sequel to Tsuldoolb and Tohsdoolb* *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now