4. Intruders

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© Kelly Faulk 2013

Chapter 4:  Intruders

It was so strange.  Reagan left for England the day my monthlies arrived, and he came back the day I stopped.  It was like he knew my hormones would try to get the better of me.  But I was so glad to have him back.  I was very bored without him.

Since he was gone for a week out of my month with him, we didn’t have a lot of time together.  And, he would only pick me up at six thirty, so I only had a few hours to be with him every day.  I wonder what he did all day.

I didn’t talk to my team much, but when I did, they gave suggestions for our next dance.  We had to open for the season, so it had to be good and unexpected; we wouldn’t be judged for this dance.  The team had always wanted to do a couples dance, but they didn’t want Fabio dictating it.  But since he was out of the picture, I was open to that suggestion.

If I could get Reagan to dance with me, then it’d be perfect.  But I didn't want to scare him off that fast.  I had to pick the perfect moment to ask him to do it.

I waited until the day before the first day of practice to ask him.  We took another beach walk, and I couldn’t really ask him while I signed autographs.  I had to wait until we were staring up at the stars.

He was actually the one who brought up my next dance.  “What are you doing this time?”

“Well, the girls want to do a c-couples dance.  Six of them are married, and they’d like it a lot.  The other two have fiancés, so it would give them some practice for their wedding.”

“And then you’ve got me.”


He was quiet for a moment.  “What will I have to do?”

I smiled.  “Not much.  Just make me look good mostly.  We’re not going to have wings this time, so you don’t have to worry about making them.  Practice is from eleven to roughly four.”

“Oh.  I-I can’t work around that.”

“That’s the only time they can practice…. Maybe I could work with you when you’re free.”

“Okay.  But where?”

“Your apartment’s big enough.  It’s not going to be anything extravagant like what me and the girls do.”

“Alright,” he whispered as he gave me a kiss.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him closer to me.  “You do know that we won’t be able to get carried away like this while we’re practicing, right?” I asked as he pressed his lips to my neck.


He brought his mouth back to mine, and it shut me up for the rest of our time together.  Before he drove me back to the Chamber, we stopped to get some gelato, and we had a lengthy good-bye when we arrived at my great-grandparents’.  I had gotten used to this routine, so he never said when he was going to pick me up anymore.  “I’ll see you tomorrow evening, Vanessa.”

“’Night, Reagan.”

The next day, after I was getting even more aggravated at that strange dream, I told the team that we would indeed be doing a couples dance.  Since it was a last minute decision, they didn’t have their guys with them.  I let them listen to the song I had picked, and they all knew which part our absentees would come in on.  And then, I got an interesting idea.

The slow part of the song—the guys’ entrance to the dance—sped up a little near the end of the part, then it went quiet for a second before going back to the fast pace like at the beginning.  What if we wore something elegant, and on that one second of silence, the guys could rip our dresses off, revealing our rave outfits?  I told the team my idea, and they really liked it.

Amalgamation *Sequel to Tsuldoolb and Tohsdoolb* *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now