Well My friends need holy water because they are crazy Af and they love me . I'm such a fetus but they still like me.
My friends need holy water because some of my friends actually like teachers , like wtf . Teachers are like living deamons they are so stuck up and catty (expect my reading teacher who is like a mother to me so she doesn't need holy water) .
Also they are going boy crazy like OMG I WANT TO BE LONELY FOREVER. They have crushes and this girl told her friends who her crush is and her friend told the boy and I was like mhm don't trust no one.
My friends also need holy water because they be crazy and as much as I love them they are like always on their phone . WAIT THATS ME........
Anyway the last reason is because they listen and who listens to me because I'm a fetus .
Snapchat : XMimix0
Instagram: cutiepiex_o_x