Chapter 5:

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Jessica Hawks, more like Jessica Hots. She is the Oakland Highs Junior Class Miss High School. Long legs, a beautiful bronze skin tone that makes her look almost exotic, beautifully thin where she looks like she could be a Victoria Secret model. Her long silky ebony hair, and her light brown eyes that glisten in the sunlight. She is perfect. Of course Evan would hangout with her. As I begin to dust my pants off, I hear Evan turn to her and scream to wait a couple of minutes. As I begin to make a run for the hills he tugs on my arm. What is with this dude and arm pulling. I'm not a damn rag doll.

"Alexia" He smiles. His Colgate white smile that complements his hazel eyes. He looks really good today.

"Evan" I add an annoyed pitch to the sound of his name.

"Look I'm sorry about bumping into you, but I mean you should really watch where you're going next time." He snorts.

Glaring into his eyes I choose my words carefully. "Well Evan thank you for that amazing advice. I will make sure to keep a look out to see where I'm going, I don't want to run into you anymore than I have to." I smile big. Showing my pearly whites. I just got my braces off last summer so I don't mind grinning like a freak.

He makes a shocked expression and slowly raises his hand to his heart. " Now, that hurt Alexia. I'm sure you would be excited to see me. I mean with you staring at me all of the time and all."

"Oh shut up Evan. Get over yourself. I'm not drooling over you so please stop. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get home, and your girlfriend is waiting for you. Goodbye"

"Don't tell me your jealous Alexia?" he winks.

I roll my eyes, and begin walking away, and as if right on cue he tugs on my arm, again.

"Wait, I'm sorry. Don't get upset. I know for a fact you don't drive, how are you getting home?"

" You see these gorgeous legs, that's how."

" I'm sure you mean short legs. What are you 4'11? Anyways If you want I could take you home? I mean it's the least I can do for almost killing you with my hard rock abs." He laughs

" 5'1 actually, and no thank you. I'd rather not. Plus, Jessica over there is waiting for you. She has been for the past fifteen minutes."

As if he had forgotten about Jessica standing there patiently on her phone he turns around and calls her over. She happily walks towards him and holds on to his arm. awkward.

" Jessica, I can't hangout afterschool. Gotta give Alexia here a ride home." At this moment the face that Jessica has the moment those words come out of Evans mouth mimics mine. What the flying fu*k?

" Wait Evan are you serious, or are you just joking?" She asks in a polite way but I can sense the anger in her tone.

"Of course I'm serious. I'm not going to let my friend walk home. It's like 95 degrees."

"Okay, whatever. Just text me when you're done." She walks away as she takes out her phone from her bag and starts pressing as many buttons as she can in seconds.

"So you ready?" He smiles. Well I can't say no now can I?"

"Um...yeah." I say hesitantly

"Okay, well let's go then." He says waiting for me to start walking. So I start heading towards the exit of the school where the parking structure is. I walk very slow, I enjoy taking my time. Taking in the moment. I can sense him staring. I slow down, so I can walk at his pace instead. It makes me feel weird. I don't understand this feeling. He makes me feel so uncomfortable.

As we get to his car I wait for him to finish putting his things in the trunk. He unlocks the car and as I'm about to open the door he starts yelling "Wait, since I am a gentlemen I should open the door for you."

"Um no you shouldn't, I don't need you to do that for me. I'm fine" I open the car door and get in. He shakes his head and gets inside the car.

He keeps staring at me and doesn't turn on the car and it's getting really annoying. Either that or it's this heat. He could at least turn on the f*cking A.C. I'm dying in here.

"Well are we going to leave anytime soon, or are we just going to sit here quietly?"

"Are you stupid? I'm waiting for you to tell me where you live so I don't waste gas." He laughs

I knew that, haha silly me. I guide him to my house, with absolutely no casual conversation. It's just one of those awkward car rides.

When we get to my house, I look at him and try to say something other than "thank you" but nothing comes out of my mouth. So I just sit there, stuck.

"This is it right?" He asks.

"Oh yeah, sorry I was dazing off." I say quickly. I don't want him to think anything other than that. I don't want to have to buy orbit.

He shifts in his seat uncomfortably. So I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door. Before I close it he quickly calls my name and I look back inside the car.

"So I guess this is the beginning of something amazing right?" He smiles. I can feel my cheeks start to boil and I can't help but smile as I close the door.

I'm still smiling after he drove away, and I knock myself back into reality.

This can't be any good.

A/N: Once again I hope you guys enjoy! Please like, comment and share any thoughts!!! Goodnight beauties!!

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