Chapter 15

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Oh how I love Monday mornings. Yes, that was me trying to be sarcastic, with a hint of bad morning breath.

Time to get ready. Evan hasn't texted or called since Saturday night. I hope nothing happened, he ended the call abruptly. Whatever, I just need to get ready. I'll see him in class anyways.


I believe no one will ever understand the grand scent of annoyance and sexually frustrated teenagers high schools give off.

I mean seriously, lunch is not that far from nutrition anyways. You act like if this is the last time you'll see your bestfriend. Chill b*tch.

I have yet to see, May or Evan since this morning. I dislike having to eat alone during nutrition. It's become a habit having my meals with May, and the only reason I'm looking for Evan is for me to stop overthinking the way he handled our .2 second conversation on the phone. What was with the attitude anyways?

I look at my enticing breakfast. Pre-heated waffles, chocolate milk ,and grapes. Quite a feast we have here at Oakland High School. I fatally stab my milk with a straw, and beginning taking small sips looking around campus for any familiar faces. Evan! I see him leaving the lunch line with a tray of food. He starts looking for a place to sit, and lucky for me. My table is completely empty. Just like I like it. Well...sort of. I wouldn't mind giving up my peace and quiet for Evan.

"Evan!" I smile and wave. He looks to find where the girlish voice came from and his eyes meet mine. They go dangerously black, and he looks away quickly. Walking out of the quad, towards tables more to the outskirts of our school.

That was weird. Maybe he's having a bad day. He wouldn't ignore me like that. I know it. We'll just talk in math class. I begin to take a bite of my now cold waffle, displeased with the plastic after taste it has. Oh well, food is food.

The bell rings, and I gather my things to start heading to third period. As I'm walking, someone walks in front of me and I bump into them dropping my binder and phone on the floor.

"Watch where you're going idiot. You can't just walk in someone's path!" I blurt as I kneel to pick up my stuff from the floor.

"Crap, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm trying to find my way through the school. I'm sorry." He said.

Chills ran up my spine and a small knife plucked at my heart. He still has that effect on me I guess. I look up, and his eyes go wide.

"Alexia? Sorry I didn't know it was you."

" Well yeah it was. Anyways watch where you're going Kyle. Don't almost kill anyone else today. Goodbye."

He grabs my arm. What is with guys and grabbing girls arms. Something triggers and I get upset about him touching my arm. No one grabs me from the arm. That response is only supposed to happen when I'm with Evan.

"Kyle not now. I have class." I pull my arm away from his grip, and make my way towards class.

What the hell is Kyle doing here. He was supposed to finish his senior year at another high school. I forget it's name. I know it's across town or somewhere around there. Seriously...Oakland High of all places. He knows I go here, why would he even transfer.

I make my way to class, getting ready to tell Evan about what just happened. He's not in his normal seat though. He normally sits next to me, but this time he chose to sit on the opposite side with Andrew.

"Why are you sitting there?"

No reply

"Hello? Earth to Evan!"

He looks up. "Sorry Alexia, I just want to focus in class today. You should too."

My face goes pale. "Okay?"

Why is he even acting like this? Was it the kiss.? Did he take it back? Can he at least explain this to me?

Class goes by slower than it's normal rate. Evan starts packing his things quickly. I'm assuming it's to get away from me faster than normal. Luckily for me I only brought my binder today. So there's no escaping me Evan Richards.

He walks out of class, and I quickly follow him. I pull on his arm roughly so he can't escape.

"Did I do something wrong Evan?"

"Alexia not now."

"Not now? So I need an appointment to talk to you now. That wasn't the case Saturday. Look if this is about what happened after the hike you don't have to worry about it. We can forget it ever happened."

He looks at me and smiles. "That's not it. Can you skip the rest of your classes? I think we need to talk."


We make our getaway using the backlot of the school. There are never any security around there, and the cameras are busted. The backlot is also known to provide great coverage for horny teenagers who need there fixes...fixed.

We walk to his car in silence, and I could hear my heart pounding harshly. I wonder if he can hear it too. He unlocks his most prized possession, and I get in the passenger seat as he slides into the drivers seat.

"So...what do you need to tell me?"

" Well, it's about Saturday night. The goodnight kiss."

"Oh yeah what about it."

"Alexia you're an amazing girl, and I know what I did. I wasn't supposed to do it but I did. An impulse...I just couldn't help it. I didn't think I would ever get that opportunity again. So I acted. The thing is that I don't want a relationship with you. Not because I don't think you're worth it, but because I know you're still in love with your ex. "

"I'm not."

"Maybe you're not. Okay, the point is I don't want a relationship with you. I like our friendship. It means a lot to me. I know it's a lot to ask for, but do you think we could just remain friends. I can understand if you don't."

I don't. "No it's fine. Of course we can. I mean it's not like it was anything serious. It was just two kisses. They didn't mean a thing. You act like if I was ready to spill my undeniable affection for you or something Evan."

He looks hurt. Maybe that was too harsh, but he plays it off well. " Yeah maybe I'm overreacting. Well I'm glad we're on the same page at least. You want a milkshake or something?"

"No, it's okay. Just take me home. I mean we're already missing class anyways. I'm too lazy to go back I smile. I look ahead and begin playing with my hair.

"Oh...okay. Yeah let's go then."

We arrive to my house. The car in pained silence. I unbuckle my seatbelt and start getting out of the car. I faintly say bye as I get off the car, and he doesn't tug my arm to pull me back.

I guess that's the end of that right, but I respect his decision. It makes sense. Relationships are temporary, but friendships last a lifetime.

For our sakes...I hope this one does.


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