Chapter 4

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"WAKE UP ALI!" My sister Grace yells.


"You're going to be late, hurry up."



Very angrily I walk to the kitchen to eat a banana. May is waiting for me outside by the time I grab my phone from my room. I am not keen on today's plans. Especially knowing I'll have to face Evan again. I really don't want to. This week is hard enough. Having to deal with him too, I'd rather jump off of a cliff.

In a last minute attempt after my mother walks to the kitchen to make herself breakfast before she heads to work I muster an excuse to miss school.

"I think I'm sick" I tell my mom with possibly the most noticeably fake cough. I should really practice this.

"Don't start this morning Alexia, please just go to school."

There's no point in arguing with her, I'll lose. Anyways, maybe he won't say anything about it.


With all sincerity I quickly ask the Lord to please prepare me for this day because if not I will probably choke the second I see Evan.
As second period ends, I head straight to the food court. English makes me so hungry sometimes, well actually I'm hungry all the time it's no joke. I worry about myself, but I'd rather die stuffed than deprived. May comes and cuts the line to be with me.

"Who are you? Please go to the back of the line?" I say sarcastically. May looks at me and smiles "I'll give you some of my food, so shut up!" She shouts. "You know me so well my darling" I chuckle.

"Any plans this weekend?" She asks excitedly.

As I'm scarfing down my chicken tenders enjoying myself I look at her and say "do I ever?" She laughs and says "God Alexia for once get out there and stop hiding yourself. For heavens sake you are amazing, stop closing yourself down. People care about you, I care about you! Stop hiding under a rock, you are what every guy wants, and what girls envy. You're coming with me to the mall Saturday, and I don't want to hear any of your bitching. I'll buy you food okay. That's enough reason." I look at her and smile with bits of chicken tenders still in my mouth "You know me so well. It better be good food then, I want sushi." I mumble.

What about Friday?

The bell rings letting us know that nutrition is over and it's back to hell for another two forty-five minute sessions until we hear the glorious sound which frees us to go to lunch. The sound I find the most beautiful.

I gather my things, say goodbye to May and head straight for third period. He's sitting down in his seat talking to Drew, laughing. Probably laughing at me I bet. I always assume the worst. The classroom looks daunting, or maybe it's just Evan. I'm pretty sure it's just Evan. "YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE" my subconscious hisses at me. I think my seat is closer to him than usual? Why does he have to be so annoying attractive? He looks like a step away from damn Ryan Gosling. PLEASE SNAP OUT OF IT.

"Calm down" "No big deal" I keep telling myself

I sit down in my seat and pay no attention to him. I take out my notebook and place it on my desk. We can do it Ali, he's just a boy.

A boy you so kindly scolded for not staring at you.

The good thing is his express wearing ass hasn't opened his big-

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