Chapter 7:

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Currently sitting at my desk during fourth period debating how I am gently going to tell Evan why I can't possibly hangout with him.

Evan, thanks for your offer, but I will kindly decline. You see today is a day I spend with May, not with you. So I think we should kindly part our ways here. Come on Ali, you sound like you have a Lego piece up your ass. Ugh, How I'm I supposed to kindly break it to this guy that I don't want to hangout without sounding more of a b*tch than I remotely have to. I mean who cares if he's wearing a fitted navy blue V-neck where you can see the outline of his abs, or even those black slim fit jeans where you can faintly see great results of daily squatting. Okay Ali, please stop your groner is starting to show.

"Ali?" I quickly look around to see where my name is coming from.

"From your facial expression I thought you needed to poop, oh wait! That's what it always looks like." May snorts, loudly.

"From the way your face always looks you would think that a di-"

"Ali please! Be a lady!" May places her hand on her chest pretending to be appalled at my lack of manners.

I give her a genuine go f*ck yourself smile. While she laughs at her success at ticking me off.

"Anyways, you ready to hangout afterschool grumpy. You know I love you" she gently pushes my shoulder.

Fudgeballs, Evan.

"Yeah but I might need your help with something first?"

Her brows furrow and she looks at me worried. "What is it?"

"Well, it's nothing bad. Well today in Pre-Calc I was in a pretty shitty mood already as you know. So I walk in and Evan has the audacity to bring up yesterday afterschool because I didn't say thank you for giving me a ride home. Like I don't--"


" Yeah he did, back to the story." I smile as she rolls her eyes in acceptance. "Well like I told him thanks and like I just wanted to let him know he didn't have to be my friend. Especially now that Jessica think's I'm trying to steal him."

"Wait why would Jessica think that?"

"Well because she sort of let me have it before that class but back-"

"SHE WHAT! I'm I fu*king invisible. Does the word bestfriend mean nothing to you. I want atleast a backstory first."

"Ms. Rose and Ms. Waters please be quiet!" Ms. Johnson sneers at us.

"Sorry" I mutter. Ms. J goes back to her lesson plan on the Nervous System.

"No sorry, hurry up and tell me about yesterday and this morning first."


"...and yeah, so that's why she thinks that. I just told her I was obsessed with Evan to shut her up."

"She's such a little bi*ch." May groans "Okay, and what happened in pre-calc after he asked why you didn't say thank you?"

"Well, I basically told him that today was a difficult day, and that I didn't want to deal with him. Plus, that I was hanging out with you afterschool because I didn't want to be alone. So he stops me by saying in the most smug little tone ever, May is relieved of her duty. You and I are hanging out."

May's mouth hangs open and I'm tempted to grab my pencil and put it in her mouth if she doesn't close it. She pauses for a bit, and as if a lightbulb just went on. She looks like the Grinch forming his creepy smile. "Now now Alexia" she winks, "If Evan wants to relieve me of my duty. I must honor his chivalrous act."

"May don't joke around like that."

"Oh I am not joking. It's time you get over what's his face, and Evan is the right guy to do it with. I'm not saying use him, which I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind, but still you get the point. You need to have fun, and if it takes Evan Richards to bring back the old you then let that be."

" May, but today is-"

"I know what today is, and sweetheart. I love you, but it's time. He hurt you, and you're still holding onto him. Just have fun today. Now pay attention in class. We don't want you to get an F now do we."


Well fuck my life. Fifth period was a bore, and as I'm sitting in sixth period I just realized I have a test today.

" Now I hope you all studied for this exam. I expect to see at least 85 percents on these tests. Goodluck everyone." Mr. Moreno tells us while passing out the test material. Great I was so worked up about Kyle I forgot about my Spanish exam. Even after the relationship he still screws me over.

2:55 P.M.

"Alright please hand in your tests on the way out. Hoping you all did well mis estudiantes." He grins.

I slowly walk up to Mr. Moreno and place my test on his desk. I want to tell him sorry for my poor test grade I'll probably be getting. I go back to my seat and pack my things. I can finally go home and stress eat.

As I'm walking out of class a very firm hand grabs ahold of my arm and pulls me towards the owner of the limb. I currently stand face to face, well more accurately face to pecs.

" I thought I told you I was going to pick you up afterschool, or did you forget silly?" I look up. Shit Evan. I had forgotten about this.

"Well, you see Evan I just wanted to say thanks for your offer but I will have to kindly-"

"Accept. There's no backing out now fatcheeks. Let's go." He stands behind me and gives me a very gentle push. "Now Mush" he laughs.

"Evan, let's not-"

"Alexia lets not fight today. Let me just be a friend to you. Come on I'll buy you food. Well have fun I promise. It's a Friday. What else are you going to do? Stay home?"

"Not just stay home, but maybe watch tv."

"Exactly, lets go." He puts his arm around my shoulder and I start walking.

When I finally start walking without restraint he lets go. We get to his parked car. A black BMW M325i, atleast I think that's what he said it was. Wasn't really paying attention. He runs to the passanger seat and opens the door.

"My Chubby Cheeks, your chariot awaits." He smiles.

"Very funny. but umm...thank you." I give him a warm smile back.

I slide into the seat as he very gently closes the door. He walks around the car and opens the door, and slides into his seat and starts the car. "So where would you like to go?"

Before I could even muster an answer my stomach growls, loudly. Very smooth Ali.

"Well I guess we have our answer don't we. Food it is, any preference?" He winks.

"Umm...idk how about sushi?"

"Great choice, I know a good spot by the mall. We could go there after we eat."

"Okay I smile, lets go." This might not be so bad after all.

"Just try not to fall in love with me after today, okay?" He smirks as he starts to drive to our food destination.

"Trust me, I wont." I hope.

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