Chapter 1

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"Everyone,this is my younger sister Jewlisa,but we call her Jewels for short,"Cal said.

"Hello,I'm Ashton,but they call me Ash for short,"the boy with curly hair and bandana said.

"Hey,I'm Michael,but it's Mikey instead,"the one with green hair said.

"Hi,I-I'm Luke,they didn't give me a nickname,"the one that walked into my room earlier said.

"Now that everyone knows each other,we should watch a movie or play video games,"Cal said.

"Lets play Cod,"Mikey and I yelled in unison.We just looked at each other and started laughing.

"Okay,but we can only have 4 players at a time"Cal said.

"It's fine,I can trade with someone,"I said.

After about half an hour of Cod,they switched they game.The game was called FIFA and I had no idea how to play this game.

"I don't know the fucking controls help,"I yelled.

"Come here and I'll show you the controls,"Luke said as I sat in front of him.

Once he showed me the controls,I turned around so I was facing the screen.They started the game and I still couldn't figure out the controls.

"I still don't understand the controls,"I yelled again.

"I'll show you again,but I'm going to show you a different way and see if that helps,"Luke said as he leaned forward and grabbed my waist.He pulled towards him and I was in between his legs.

"Okay,like this,"he said as he put his hands over mine and starts clicking buttons.

After a few minutes,he let go of the controller,but had to grab it again because I fell behind.I just gave up as I got up.I went to the kitchen and got pop and some snacks because I was going to go watch a movie in my room.I walked past them and they all looked at me funny.

"Where are you going,"Cal asked.

"To watch a movie in my room,"I said.

"Why don't we all watch one down here,we've been playing video games all day,"Cal said.

"Okay,"I said as I went to make popcorn.I came back out and Mikey was putting in a movie.

"What are we watching,"I asked as I sat down on the couch.

"The Hangover,"Ash said.Soon,they all sat around me because I had the food and drinks.

"Okay,"I said as the movie started.I was sitting in between Luke and Mikey while Ash and Cal sat on the floor.

"Hold on,before the movie gets any farther,I'm going to go grab pillows and blankets,"Cal said as he got up.

"I'll come help,"I said.We walked up to his room and grabbed all the pillows and blankets.

"So,what do you think of them,"Cal asked as we went to my room.

"I like them and I'm not sharing my things,"I said as we walked back downstairs.

I helped them set everything up on the floor so they had a place to sleep.I got my things and got on the couch.

"I'm guessing they're staying here for the night,"I said.

"Yes and why do you get the couch,"Cal said.

"Well,I'm just going to sleep here,you can come on the couch during the movie,"I said as they all piled onto the couch.Well,attempted to fit everyone,Cal and Ash sat on the floor again.

After awhile,I started to get tired,it was 2 in the morning in my defense.I wanted to lay down,but Luke and Mikey were in the way.

"I'm tired,so get your asses off the couch so I can lay down,"I said.

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