Chapter 1: He's Just A Flirt

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Chapter 1: He's Just A Flirt

     "It's simple: all you have to do is grip the rope like so," Aiden instructed, grabbing onto the yellow rope.

     "Is this even safe?" I asked, peering down at the crashing water below.

     "Of course! I've done this a million times before," He replied.

     I snorted, "That would be mathematically impossible. Throughout the span of your life, there's no way you could go off this thing a million times. Maybe 150, at most." 

    "It's a figure of speech Einstein. Now shut up and jump. I'm going off now," Aiden stated, tightly gripping the rope.

     Before I could protest, he was running full force with the rope, and into the icy water below. I saw the current going all out, crashing over the spot Aiden had just jumped off.

     "Aiden?" I asked, peering over the steep cliff.

     No answer.

     "Aiden?!" I screamed frantically.

     Oh God! What if the current swallowed him up and he died?! What if his leg was caught in a plant and he couldn't swim up?! He could be DYING right now!

     "Aiden hold on, I'm coming!" I yelled, flying off the rope.

     I felt my body hit the water, with a wave of coldness enveloping me. The current was strong; yet not strong enough to drown someone. If that was the case....where was he?

     "Aiden?" I whimpered, swimming around.

     Just as I spoke his name, something pulled me underwater. I kicked the thing away, screaming as I did so. I was SO not about to die!

     After the thing let go, I swam back to the surface, and towards the bank a few feet away. I took in deep breaths, staring at the now still water. Then, the surface moved, revealing.....Aiden?!

     "Aiden Michael Miller! What in the heck are you doing?!" I screeched, wagging my finger at the laughing boy.

     "Your face! Priceless!" He howled, swimming over to me.

     "You ass! How could you scare me like that?!" I pouted, frowning.

     "It was too tempting. You're an easy scare," He replied, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

     "Yeah, whatever. Let's go. I'm freezing." I shivered, stalking back to Aiden's car.

     He quickly grabbed his shirt and jogged up to me, grinning the whole way.

     "What?" I hissed, still irritated about the whole 'dragging me under water' thing.

     "That scene back there really was hysterical," He sighed, content with himself.

     "Yep. So funny I forgot to laugh," I replied bitterly.

     "Aww was whittle Carter scared?" Aiden asked, pinching my cheeks.

     "Yes, in fact I was!" I punched his gut, knocking the wind out of him.

     "O-kay." Aiden coughed out, hunching over.

     After that, he was quiet, which I was ecstatic about. Finally he shut up.

     We reached his car, as he opened my door for me. Funny, he was never a gentleman.

     "Carter, look. I'm sorry," He sighed, grabbing my hand.

     "You're always sorry," I replied, rolling my eyes.

     "I really am sorry! Look, I'll take you out for ice cream. Does that sound good?" He asked.

     I tried my hardest not to smile, but failed miserably. 

    "Ergh, you know I can't say no to ice cream," I said. 

    "Awesome!" Aiden elbowed my rib and began driving, a grin visible on his face.

     We drove for about 30 minutes, with Aiden cracking jokes, and me making sarcastic remarks. By the time we actually reached the ice cream parlor, my stomach was growling in hunger. If I didn't eat every 3 hours, you were sure to face my evil side. You know what the Snickers commercials say; You're not you when you're hungry.

     "Coming in?" I asked, running to the building. Aiden laughed, jogging in behind me.

     I greedily headed towards the front of the line, staring at the huge selection of ice cream. Who knew one place could have so many choices? I looked over the menu and spotted my all time favorite. Triple brownie deluxe.

     "Aiden, I want the usual. What are you getting?" I asked.

     No reply.

     Confused, I turned and searched for my blonde-haired friend. As I was beginning to walk away from my spot in line, I heard a voice speak.

     "You really think so?" I heard a nasally person ask.

     "Of course! Your hair definitely matches the color of your eyes," I heard Aiden say.

     I whipped my head towards the voices, eyeing Aiden flirting with a random girl. We'd only been here a few seconds and he was already victimizing someone!

     "You're cute," The girl giggled, twirling strands of hair.

      Poor girl. Didn't know Aiden was merely playing with her. It's quite sad, actually, to see these girls fawn all over him. Aiden can often be considered a man-whore, to which I can agree. He played with girls' feelings too often, resulting in tears. However, it was even worse for me than those girls, because I had to watch all of his hook-ups. And even worse-I had a crush on him.

     "I know," Aiden replied cockily.

     Conceited jerk.

     "Aiden!" I hissed, bringing his attention back to me.

     "Whoops. Sorry babe, gotta run," Aiden winked at the girl, sauntering over to me. I shot him a glare, crossing my arms.

     "What?" He asked innocently.

     "You! You can't go a minute without flirting?!" I snapped, facing the menu board.

     "Hey, I'm a guy. You wouldn't understand," Aiden shrugged, handing me cash.

     Oh, I perfectly understand. It's you who doesn't understand, because I like you!

     "Whatever. Just wait for me wherever."

     I tried to ignore the stabbing feeling my chest was going through, but couldn't. I liked Aiden too much. Way too much. It wasn't healthy to even think about him in that way! I mean, we're talking about a guy who brings a different girl home every week, and if you're lucky, every two weeks.

     My feelings grew progressively each year I spent with him, and I knew each year he was only getting worse. Besides, even if he did date girls non-stop, he wouldn't even think of taking me out. He looks at me like I'm one of the guys.

     I sighed, knowing my silly little crush would have to go away sooner or later. Seeing Aiden with all those girls really did make me like him less. Especially since I knew he didn't even like them. He hadn't fallen in love with any of the girls he was with. I think that was what irked me the most. What with Aiden going out almost every night, and not really liking any of his dates. It was pretty cruel of him.

     I quickly picked up my ice cream, suddenly not in the mood to enjoy its deliciousness. I walked to an empty booth, shoving spoon fulls into my mouth.

     Okay, so even if I wasn't in the mood to eat, I was. Ice cream always makes you feel better, no matter what. Unless you don't like ice cream, to which I'd have to question you about.

     As I was mid-bite, the door swung open, revealing a tall, masculine figure. I gawked at the person, my ice cream beginning to drip. The guy walked past me, and into the line.

     Yeah, I'd be lying if I said he wasn't good-looking. He had dark, tousled hair that sat just right on his head. He also had big, brown eyes in which you could get lost in. This guy had more of a rugged kind of beauty though. One that you might not notice if you weren't looking hard enough.

     "Done drooling?" Aiden asked, slipping in the seat next to me.

     "I was not drooling!" I replied, rolling my eyes.

     "I'm pretty sure you were. He's not even very good-looking. I'm way hotter," Aiden said, looking at the guy disgustingly.

     Well of course you are. You're always hot.

     "Not even close," I replied, watching the guy.

     "Well, you just don't have good taste in men." He huffed, eyeing the boy.

      He couldn't have been more than our age. What I was most fascinated by was that the guy was alone, yet very handsome. Maybe it was because he had sort of a 'bad boy' aura to him.

     "Hi there," The same girl who'd been flirting with Aiden walked up to him, flashing him a smile.

     "Hi," He replied, giving her a curt nod. Before I knew it, he walked out the door, leaving the girl to stand there looking like an idiot.

     "I like him," I smiled.

     Not only had he resisted the charms of that girl, he literally left her standing there! That was enough for me to consider him awesome.

     "I don't. He seems like a douche," Aiden said.

     "Really? He just turned down a slutty girl. I hardly consider that a douche."

     "Oh, so if someone doesn't turn her down they're a douche?" Aiden asked.

     "Well, not exactly. If they're truly into her they're not a douche," I replied, directing my comment right towards him.

     "Don't give me 'the glare' Carter," Aiden groaned, stealing my ice cream.

     "What? I merely said a comment," I replied innocently.

     "Yeah, whatever." He said with a mouthful of chocolate.

     "You're disgusting Aiden," I shuddered at the displeasing sight.

     "But you love me!"

      More than you could imagine.

     "Well, we should get a move on home. School's tomorrow," I stated, snatching the bowl away.

     "You're such a nerd." Aiden rolled his eyes, getting up from his seat.

     "Hey, it's not like I want to go to school. It's you who's the hot shot," I defended, nudging his stomach.

      "How so?" Aiden asked, crossing his arms.

     "Well, for one, you're the most popular boy known to man. And two, I'm a nobody."

     "True," He joked.

      I sighed, "I know."

     "I was only joking Cart," He rolled his eyes, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

     "Yeah. But it's still true. Now, enough with the depressing talk. Let's get out of here before I'm tempted to buy the whole store!" I ushered, shoving him out the door.

      Aiden rolled his eyes (for about the fiftieth time today) and led me to his car, preparing to take me back home. I'd need to get ready for school tomorrow, or as I like to call it, a living hell.

(A/N) Alright guys! What's up?

For those of you reading Juvenile Delinquent, I'm sorry for the wait. It'll be up tomorrow. Thanks for reading it, by the way! Already to 1.6K!!!! :D

I hope you enjoy this story, however updates will be slower than those of JD until JD is finished. Thanks again!

Btw, I'm going to start doing Song Of The Chapter, where I post a song I either like, or think suits the chapter.

Song of the chapter today is: Kids by MGMT. I really like the song, and think it's pretty cool. Doesn't really suit the chapter, but it's still a good song. Check it out if you'd like!

Boy on the cover: Owen Devalk :D Extremely beautiful and dreamy! He's Aiden, BT-DUBS.



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