Chapter 19: Friends

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Chapter 19: Friends

      "There is just too much to prepare for. Carter, can you hand me that paint brush over there?" Katie asked, her hair frazzled.

      "Sure thing," I replied, grabbing the thickest paint brush I could find.

      "Thank you very much. I need you to go make a store run for me, okay? Go to Barney's and buy me some cheap lights that we can string up. Here's ten bucks," Katie ordered, placing a ten dollar bill in my hands.

      "Got it," I said, mock-saluting her.

      Katie rolled her eyes and went back to painting her sign.

      As of the rest of the day, Katie and I were preparing the gym for winter formal. Of course, I didn't want to, but she'd already written our names on the sign-up sheet. And according to Mrs. Lockyr, once you sign the sheet, you can't back out.

      So now I was on my way to buy cheap string-up lights.

      I quickly entered Katie's car and began the route to Barney's, which was a shady little store a few miles north of our school. Needless to say I really didn't want to go there. But of course, I'd rather go into a shady store than face Katie's wrath.

      Once I reached the parking lot, I made sure to park far away from the other cars. If I had dented Katie's precious Bug, she would have strangled me to death. Katie was quite protective of her possessions.

      When I walked through the doors of Barney's, the strong scent of beer and pinecones hit my nose. Not a very pleasant smell.

      A creepy-looking worker strolled pass me, wearing a stained up v-neck and torn up jeans. He had what strangely looked like a flask in his right hand and a knife in the other.

      "Um, excuse me?" I asked quietly, tapping his shoulder.

      The man turned around slowly and grunted.

      "Yeah?" He replied, twirling the knife in his hand.

      "Where are your string-up lights?" I asked quietly.

      "In the back somewhere, I don't know. Why don't ya look?" He asked, taking a swig of whatever was in his flask.

      "Thanks," I replied quickly, walking away.

      A creepy man+flask with unknown liquid+knife=Carter bye bye.

      I made my way to the "back" where the man instructed me, which was literally the entire store.

      "Lard, lenses, lead.....lights?" I muttered, eyeing a box of plain light bulbs.

      Well this was no help.

      I decided it would be better if I left now before I encountered the man with a knife and flask.

      "Why are we here Aiden?" I heard a whiny voice ask.

      "Shh! Don't say my name too loudly," Another voice replied.

      A voice I knew all too well.

      I sprinted around the corner and found a large, empty, cardboard box, and jumped inside.

      "Why are we at Barney's?" The whiny voice asked.

      The voice was not recognizable.

      "Because I don't want to get caught. I have a reputation I need to uphold," Aiden replied.

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