Chapter 33: Savage Eating Habits

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Chapter 33: Savage Eating Habits

Carter's P.O.V:

      "I bet you three bucks that you can't jump across that tree stump," I said, pointing at the ground.

      Connor grinned.

      "You're on."

      He quickly rubbed his hands together and attempted to propel himself over, but instead tripped and fell.

      "Looks like someone owes me three bucks," I whistled, pulling him back to his feet.

      Connor rolled his eyes.

      "I only fell because you were putting pressure on me."

      "Oh, that's totally it. It couldn't be the fact that you just aren't good at jumping, could it?" I replied, poking his stomach.

      "Okay, one - girls are more flexible. And two - girls can jump higher. So it's really not fair what you're trying to do to me," Connor reasoned.

      "I'm pretty sure guys can jump higher. Girls are usually lighter, but I'm not sure if that effects our ability to jump. So your argument is invalid and you owe me three dollars," I replied, patting his cheek.

      "How about I take you on a date instead?" He asked.

      I placed my index finger on my chin and looked at him thoughtfully.

      "Hmm. I don't know," I replied teasingly.

      "It's probably going to be more than three bucks," he whistled.

      "Will there be food?" I questioned.

      He nodded.

      "Then my heart is yours!" I said, jumping onto his back.

      Connor set me down once we reached his car. When we drove off, curiosity bubbled inside me.

      "Where are we going to eat?" I asked.

      "At a Chinese buffet," he replied, laughing.

      I groaned.

      "You know I hate those...."

       They were disgusting. I normally loved Chinese food, but the buffets were just......wrong. All wrong.

      "I'm joking. I'm not exactly fond of them either," he replied, reaching over to punch my arm.

      "Okay, all jokes aside, what are we eating?" I asked.

       "You're sounding serious over there, Kit-Kat."

      "Food is a serious matter," I replied gravely.

      "We're going to an Italian restaurant downtown. It's supposedly really good," he said.

      I let out a sigh of relief.

      "That sounds good."

      "Aw, no buffet?" Connor asked, pouting.

      "Ha, ha. Take me to one of those and I'll shove chow mein down your pants!"

      "Are you kidding? I would never take you there. Mostly because that would be a waste of good chow mein," he replied, as we pulled into a crowded parking lot.

      "Popular restaurant?" I asked, stepping out of the car.

      "I guess so," Connor replied, wrapping an arm around my waist.

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