Chapter 24: Creepy Factories and Eighth Grade Photos

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Chapter 24: Creepy Factories and Eighth Grade Photos

Carter's P.O.V:

      "I can't believe you actually convinced me to go to that," Connor groaned, taking a bite of his sandwich.

      I laughed, poking his nose.

      "You enjoyed being scared by Aiden's mother. At least her cookies were good," I replied.

      "True. But I still don't understand how you can handle being friends with Aiden. He's so.....I don't know. He's so irritating," he shuddered.

      "You know, Aiden says the same thing about you. Why is it you're so hostile towards one another?" I asked.

      Connor frowned.

      "We're not hostile per say.....just a bit argumentative? And you should ask Aiden about that. He seems pretty intent on making my life hell."

      "He always tells me he thinks of me like a sister. Maybe it's his 'brotherly instincts' kicking in," I suggested.

      Connor looked at me like I was crazy.

      "Do you really believe he thinks of you as a sister?" He asked.

      I shrugged.

      "Well....yes. That's what he said."

      "Hmph," Connor grunted.

      "What?" I asked.

      He shook his head and continued eating.

      "Nothing. Anyway, are you busy tonight?" he asked.

      "I don't think so. Why?" I asked.

      "I wanted to take you out on a proper first date, since the forest didn't work out as planned," he grinned.

      I smiled, thinking of when I yanked the fake beards off of Darren and Aiden.

      "Yeah, that was pretty bad. Where are you taking me?"

      "Somewhere...." he replied.

      "Like?" I asked, pinching his cheeks.

      He retaliated by grabbing my hands and kissing me.

      "Somewhere like my house. For dinner," he whispered.

      My eyes widened as he stared at me.

      "Dinner? As in.....meeting your parents?" I asked.

      Connor nodded.

      "Yep. They're really cool, don't worry. Just....don't bring up my brother. They tend to freak out over that stuff," he said.

      "I'd never bring that up. And do you think they'd even like me? What if I'm not good enough?" I said, biting my lip.

      Connor tucked a stray hand of hair behind my ear.

      "They'll love you no matter what. You're always going to be good enough," he said, smiling.

      I was about to burst into a bunch of "awwes" when Aiden and Darren came out of nowhere and sat with us.

      "The weather is awesome, don't you agree?!" Aiden said, smirking.

      "I guess," Connor muttered, slowly backing away from me.

      "What's up with you guys?" I asked, stabbing my salad.

      Aiden shrugged.

      "Eh, not much. Darren and I were wondering if you two wanted to hang out with us today?" He asked.

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