Chapter 8: Nothing Like a Good Hangover

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Chapter 8: Nothing Like a Good Hangover

Carter's P.O.V:

      "Girls! Time for school!" Mrs. Dayton's voice rang throughout the house.

      I groaned, sitting up. To my right was Katie sprawled out on her bed. Oh, this would be a joy getting her up.

      "Hey, Katie. Time to wakey wakey," I said, shaking her lightly.

      "F*** off," She grumbled.

      "You're lucky that I wasn't your mom!" I said, exasperated.

      "Carter?" She asked, obviously groggy.

      "Yes, it's me. And you better get off your butt and get ready for school, hangover or not," I replied, changing into school clothes I brought.

      Katie sat up, a pained expression dawning on her face.

      "It feels like I've gotten shot in the head," She groaned.

      I tisked.

      "And that, my dear, is why you don't drink excessively. I'd say I feel sorry for you.....but I don't. Now please get up. Your mom'll get suspicious," I sighed.

      Once finished shimmying up my pants, I entered Katie's bathroom and retrieved a couple Advil for her. I wasn't THAT mean.

      "Here," I stated, handing her the pills.

      "Thanks," She replied, popping them into her mouth. She reached over and found a water bottle, sipping out of it.

      "Was I bad last night?" She asked, slowly walking to her drawers.

      "Very. At the party you were drunk dancing. Then, when I took you home, you threw up. It was like taking care of a baby. Minus the drunk talk," I replied honestly.

      She had a pained expression plastered on her face.

      "That sounds awful."

      "Well, it kinda was. Plus, the party was not as you expected it to be," I said, shrugging.

      Katie didn't reply, and instead tugged on a t-shirt and sweatpants. I knew she just really didn't give a crap today.

      "Oh, and you may want these...." I said, snatching her sunglasses off her vanity.

      She nodded.


      "Girls? What's taking so long?" Mrs. Dayton called.

      "Alright. We're about to go downstairs. Do NOT speak unless your mom asks you something. If she does, reply in short answers that get down to the point. Capiche?" I said.

      Katie nodded.

      "I don't think I'll even want to talk," She muttered.

      A part of me felt awful for her, and another part of me wanted to dance while screaming 'I told you so.' Right now, the latter sounded more fun.

      We slowly but surely descended down her steep stairs, making sure Katie wouldn't tumble to her death. I'm not so sure her mother would appreciate that.

      As soon as we hit that bottom step, Mrs. Dayton came out of nowhere and shoved pancakes in our faces.

      "Breakfast! I made them with extra chocolate chips!" She sing-songed.

      I gratefully took the plate and smiled, as Katie gripped my arm tightly for support.

      "Thank you so much Mrs. Dayton. You really didn't have to," I said, plastering a smile on my face.

      "Oh, dear, it was my pleasure! You two just work so hard, I felt you needed a treat," She gushed.

      Before I could reply, Mrs. Dayton's eyes shot over to Katie.


      "Katie, honey? Why are you wearing sunglasses?" She asked, attempting to take a step forward.

      I quickly maneuvered my way in front of her mom, denying access to her daughter.

      "Rough studying night. That trigonometry really took a toll on her," I replied, beginning to sweat.

      I was really starting to hate that I ALWAYS sweat when I got nervous. I just hoped my awful lying skills were enough to get us through her mom.

      "Yeah mom. I've just got bags under my eyes," Katie chimed in.

      "Aw, my poor girls. Well, hopefully my special pancakes will wake you up a little bit! Have a lovely day at school!" Mrs. Dayton chirped, kissing Katie's cheek.

      After her mom had rounded the corner, I thwacked Katie's arm.

      "Ow! What was that for?!" She hissed.

      "For making me lie to your mom like that! She's so nice, and-and that was just bad!" I replied, dragging her out of the house.

      Katie didn't respond, and I assumed it was because she still had a massive headache. I was just happy the vomiting was over. It took a lot of Febreeze to make that rank smell go away.

      I quickly threw her into the passenger seat as I ran to my side of the car, buckling in. Thank God Katie had her own car. The last thing I'd need was for her mom to drive us to school. She'd be talking to her child non-stop.

      "You alright?" I asked, driving off.

      Katie slumped farther in her seat.

      "My migraine is beginning to lessen. But my head's still throbbing. Besides that I think I'm okay," She replied, adjusting her large sunglasses.

      "That's good. None of our teachers should question you today, since they always deal with hungover students. They should be cool. And as for after school, TRY to not speak to your mom too much. I'm sure you'll give away," I said.

      "Whatever," Katie shrugged me off and turned in her seat, falling asleep.

      Well she was certainly a ray of sunshine this morning.

      A few minutes later, I pulled into the school parking lot.

      "We're here," I said, shaking Katie awake.

      "Ugh, why?" She whined, rubbing her forehead.

      "Well, because we need an education and-"

      "Okay, okay. Stop right there. I'm getting out now," She groaned, quickly unbuckling and hobbling away.

      Again, beautiful ray of sunshine.

      "She seems happy today," A voice spoke from behind me.

      A voice all too familiar.

      "Aiden," I said, smiling tightly.

      I swiftly grabbed my backpack and locked up the car, walking to the news room.

      "Carter, wait," He breathed out, stepping in front of me.

      "What?" I asked tiredly.

      "I'm really, really sorry. I was drunk. I mean-what I said was awful. And I know alcohol doesn't really justify my actions, but I can't lose you. You're my best friend, Cart. I'm so sorry," He said, sticking his hands in his pockets.

      I sighed.

      "I know you didn't mean it. You're never mean to me intentionally. I suppose you just had one drink too many. But, I'm also sorry for leaving you at the party like that. You were sorta stranded," I replied.

      He smiled.

      "Yeah, well. I deserved it. I was a major jerk. Can you forgive me?" He asked.

      I smiled, "Hmm. That depends. Will you buy me pizza tonight?"

      "You know it. And I'll even throw in breadsticks," He responded.

      "Well alright. Love you Aiden," I said, giving him a hug.

      "Love you too, Cart."

      Oh, but only if he meant it like I did.


Aiden's P.O.V:

      Apologizing to Carter made me feel so much better. Really, the guilt was eating me away. And to think that she apologized to me! She was really unbelievable.

      I mean, after I'd been a major jerk to her, she STILL apologized just for not picking me up. If I were her, I'd be happy to not pick me up after the events that took place.

      But that was just her personality. Carter was always willing to forgive you. And that was what I really loved about her.

      She had a personality that you just couldn't hate. She was nice to everyone she met, even if she was socially awkward around them.

      I think that's why she had so many friends. They all loved her personality.

      "What's up Miller?" Darren asked, walking by my side.

      "Well, I just apologized to Carter," I said.

      Darren raised his eyebrows.

      "What'd she say?" He asked curiously.

      "She accepted. But I've got to buy her pizza and breadsticks tonight," I replied.

      Darren tisked.

      "Aiden Miller, you're a hell of a lucky guy. You chose too nice of a friend."

      I shrugged.

      "I guess I am. She's the only girl that's put up with my shit for so long."

      "Right. You better not take advantage of that girl, Miller. She's good. She doesn't need you to mess that up," Darren warned.

      I stopped walking.

      "Why do you care so much?" I asked.

      Darren shrugged.

      "I just don't want you to lose her. She'll definitely leave you if you do something that major."

      "Is that what it's about? Or do you like her more than I think you do?" I asked.

      "Of course not! I-I just want to make sure everything's okay. Look, I gotta run. Please, take good care of Carter. And for God's sake, stop dating so many girls!" Darren said, quickly walking away.

      That bastard totally liked Carter.

      And why the sudden urge to tell me not to date girls?

      Why did he care so much about MY best friend?

      Oh, yeah.


      I didn't know why I felt so protective of Carter, but when Darren spoke of her like was like I could rip his head off and throw it off of a building.

      It was probably because Cart was like my sister. You know, brotherly instincts and all. I didn't have a sister, so that was probably the reason why.

      I mean, if anything happened to Carter, I think I'd lose my head. She was not only a great best friend, but a great person in general.

      Which was why Darren could NEVER EVER EVER go near her. EVER.

      Psh, yeah. And he was worried about me taking advantage of her. Please, I could never! Although, at the party I was kind of stretching the limit......

      Whatever. It'd never happen again. Carter was way too special to lose.

      I rounded the corner to get to my class, hoping the bell wouldn't ring anytime soon. I still had the whole campus to get across.

      "Hey Aiden," A squeaky voice called out.

      I turned around and saw a familiar girl standing behind me. Her name was on the tip of my tongue, yet I just couldn't place it. Serena, maybe?

      "Uh, hey," I replied, cocking an eyebrow.

      "Do you remember me?" She asked, shifting from foot to foot, with her hands fumbling behind her back.

      I sighed.

      "Look, I'm really sorry. But, I've got to get to class and I don't have time to play the ex-girlfriend guessing game. So please, if you have something to say, spit it out," I said impatiently.

      Her happy expression soon wilted as she processed my words.

      "I'm Sydni. You know, we dated last month for two weeks?" She said.

      Sydni. That was her name!

      "Oh. Right. Well, nice seeing you again! Bye!" I replied, turning on my heel.

      Before I was able to get away, I felt a sharp tug pull me back.

      "Aiden Michael Miller. You are not going anywhere until you answer some questions," She whispered, her voice turning into something some what satanic.

      "Okay, who are you and what the hell do you want?" I asked, surely growing red.

      This chick couldn't just waltz up to me and act like a lunatic.

      "You know who I am. I want to know why you broke up with me! I was perfectly happy, and I thought you were too! Was it my hair? Is it too curly? Was it my eyes? Are they too brown?!" She fired a million questions at me, as her eyes began brimming with tears.

      "I-uh-no-well, nothing of that sort," I sputtered, not knowing how to respond to her behavior.

      And as the saying goes, I was (thankfully) saved by the bell.

      "Oh, would you look at that! The bell just rang! Later Serena!" I called, walking away.

      "It's Sydni! And we will finish this soon Aiden!" She screamed, storming off in the opposite direction.

      Man, I should really start doing background checks on these people. First is Sere-I mean Sydni, who's a stalker, and next could be some psychopath who tries to kill me!

      "Or you could stop dating for once," Carter and Darren's voice said simultaneously in my head.

      Huh, funny how much they sounded alike.

      Maybe Darren would be good for her?

      Or maybe I was on crack to think that would ever happen.

      Even if Darren was my best friend, I also had Carter, who I'd honestly pick in a heart beat. I mean, we've been friends since birth!

      I may sound like some cheesy romantic chick, but she's always been there for me. Through thick and thin, she's defended me even if I was wrong. I guess you could say she was my better half.

      OH GOD. I sounded like a pussy right now. I needed to stop watching those girly movies with Carter.

      I quickly strolled into class, barely making it.

      "Tut, tut Mr. Miller. You really need to stop cutting it so close," The teacher scolded.

      "Hey, at least I'm making it," I shrugged, causing a few kids to laugh.

      "Just take a seat," He huffed, obviously irritated he had to be here.

      "No problem."

      As he began talking, another person walked in.

      "Oh, for Pete's sakes! Can't you kids ever come in on time?!" He yelled, slamming his pen down on his desk.

      "Um, sir? I'm new here. My name's Paige," The student replied.

      I looked up to see who was talking and met the gaze of one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever seen. And that's saying A LOT.

      She was quite short- maybe 5'2 or so. However, her size was nothing major compared to her looks. She had curly, golden blond hair that cascaded just above her shoulders, and bright blue eyes that could mesmerize just about anyone. Literally the definition of perfection.

      "Oh. Well, sorry about the sudden outburst. I guess I'm just in a bad mood today. Well, Paige. Go ahead and take an empty seat up front. Next to that young man there," He said, pointing to the chair next to me.

      No fricken way. He was ACTUALLY seating the hot new girl next to me? Hell yeah! This must be my day!

      The blonde beauty took the empty seat and smiled at me, showing off her perfectly white teeth.

      I took this as my chance to use some of my moves. Screw Darren and his attempts at getting me to not flirt.

      "Hey there gorgeous, my name's Aiden," I said, holding out my hand.

      She laughed.

      "Hi Aiden. And as you probably know, I'm Paige," She replied, shaking my outstretched hand.

      "So how did a fine young girl like you end up in a school like this?" I asked.

      "Parents got a job offering down here. Sucks, really," She replied.

      "Oh, tough luck. I know it's hard moving to a new school. Well, since I know it's always hard making friends in high school, why don't you sit with me at lunch? I can give you a grand tour of the school," I offered.

      She smiled.

      "I'd love that. You know, I can already tell that this won't be TOO much of a sucky school," She said.

      "Trust me babe, it won't be as long as I'm around," I said, sure to send a wink in her direction.

      I noticed Paige blush at my words, and turn away to listen to the lesson. Who could blame her? I was an absolute stud. The ladies loved me.

      As I talked to Paige throughout the lesson, I couldn't help but feel....strange. Something was eating away at me. And it was irritating me not knowing what exactly was making me feel this way.

      Was it because I felt guilty after Darren had told me to stop dating girls?

      No. That couldn't be it. Darren had told me millions of times before that he didn't approve of my dating style. I'd never felt like this before.

      So what could it have been then?

      I shrugged off my dumb thoughts and instead concentrated on the hot new girl.

      I knew this would be fun.

Carter's P.O.V:

      "I thought I told you that there needed to be 2,000 copies!" I groaned, slapping my forehead.

      "I thought you said 200!" Lance, the copy boy replied.

      "How the hell do you get 2,000 and 200 mixed up?!" I shouted.

      Ugh, I was SO going to get hives from this.

      "Look, don't blame me. You're the one who apparently has a lack of giving directions out," He said defensively.

      I sent him a death glare.

      "You had one job. And that was to freaking make copies for everyone in the school! Seriously? How hard is that job?! God, Lance! Did you ever stop to think that 200 is a silly amount?" I asked.

      Lance shrugged.

      "I thought maybe we were giving it to a small amount of people."

      I was one step away from clawing his eyes out. This boy obviously wasn't good at following orders.

      "Whatever. I'll just copy the rest," I grunted.

      Wonderful. Now I had the whole afternoon to spend copying stupid newspapers. How awesome was that?

      "Stressful afternoon?" Someone asked.

      I turned around and saw Connor looking at me apologetically.

      "How could you tell?" I asked, cracking a smile.

      "I'm a psychic," He shrugged, walking to my side.

      "I wish you could also magically make 1,800 copies of the school newspaper appear also," I sighed.

      Connor looked off into the distance, deep in thought.

      "I just may be able to help you with that," He said, smirking.

      "In a day? I don't think so," I replied skeptically.

      "Oh, but Kit-Kat, you underestimate me. I'm capable of doing more than you think," He said.

      "Okay, first of all, Kit-Kat? Where did that come from? And second of all, if you came up with 1,800 copies of this newspaper, I'd love you forever," I said.

      Connie's eyes glistened with amusement.

      "Well, I thought about calling you Cart-Cat, but that doesn't work too well. And Kit-Kat fits you perfectly, yeah? You're chocolatey and sweet on the outside, but crunchy and tough on the inside. And please, get prepared to love me. 'Cause I've got a plan that'll make you love me for the rest of your life," He said.

      I scoffed.

      "Yeah? Well let's just see what you've got in store for me, Con-Con." I smirked.

      "Con-Con?" He asked.

      "If you call me Kit-Kat, I call you Con-Con," I replied.

      He shook his head.

      "Please, just leave the nicknames to me," He said, walking away.

      I rolled my eyes. My nickname was perfectly fine!

      "And where do you think you're going? We've got a whole flippin' day of school left!" I scolded, grabbing the hood of his sweatshirt.

      "Aw, come on Kit-Kat. This is all part of my plan to get the rest of your 1,800 printed newspapers. Now, you coming or what?" He asked.


      I was so going to regret this later.

(A/N) Hey all! Sorry I've been a bit MIA lately. I've been busy with school sadly. However, it's break, so I've been trying to write as many chapters as I can. It's pretty hard, I'll tell you that.

So how have you liked the story so far? Good? Bad? OK? And what's up with the new girl?

Song of the chapter is: The Monster by Eminem. OMG I cannot express my love for Eminem and his new album. Awesome is an understatement. He's truly one of the best rappers of all time. Take a listen if you've got time. Even if you don't like rap, just do it. You won't regret.

Anywayyy thanks for the reads. You're all amazing!! :)



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