Chapter 7: Two Drunks and a Revengeful Hookup

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Chapter 7: Two Drunks and a Revengeful Hookup

      "I cannot believe you got drunk!! Katie, you're going to get us in a hell of a lot of trouble!" I scolded, holding Katie's hair back so she could vomit into her toilet.

      "I-I......" She couldn't finish her sentence because she yet again threw up.

      After I'd driven back to the party, I found Katie passed out on the couch. I screamed because I thought she'd died of alcohol poisoning, but it turned out she was just tired. I had to drive her back home, as she repeatedly complained of her throbbing headache and of how unicorns were definitely real. And now we were back at her home, with me aiding her.

      "Here, put your hair up with this hair band. I'm going downstairs to get you some water. You're going to need fluids for all that you vomited," I shook my head, leaving the ill girl behind.

      I couldn't believe she'd convinced me that this was a good idea! Not only was she profusely vomiting, but now we were both screwed! How would I explain this to her mom?!

      "Sorry, but your daughter and I went to a massive party where she proceeded to drink until she vomited all over the place. No biggie."

      Hah. If only. Now Katie and I were both dead. And when my parents found out, they'd kill me, then revive me, then kill me again.

      I made my way over to their stash of water bottles, picking up at least six of them. When I spotted a box of saltine crackers, I decided to snatch them up, seeing as they're a good thing to eat when you're sick.

      "Here," I said, handing Katie and opened up bottle.

      "Thank you. You're so kind, like an angel," She said, drinking several large gulps of the water.

      "After tonight, I better be," I replied.

      "You're funny!" Katie began laughing maniacally, as I got freaked out.

      "You might want to calm down a bit," I said, patting her shoulder.

      "Wha-uh oh," She blurted, tossing the bottle to the side and heading for the toilet.

      "So, I take it you won't be drinking anymore?" I questioned, watching her expression grow cold.

      "No...." She groaned, holding her head in her hands.

      "Does your head hurt?" I asked, placing the back of my hand to her forehead.

      "More than anything," She mumbled, on the verge of tears.

      The last thing I needed was an emotional wreck to take care of.

      "Hey, hey. Don't cry. I'll get you some ibuprofen. Stay right there," I soothed, sprinting out of the room to search for the medicine.

      I'd been best friends with Katie for as long as I could remember, so I knew exactly where all the medicine was kept. In her mother's bathroom.

      As I carefully made my way into her mom's room, I gracefully tripped over a clothing article laying on the floor.

      "Fu** fu** fu**!" I whisper screamed, hopping around on one foot.

      Okay, tripping on a piece of clothing may not sound like it hurts, but it does. A lot.

      "The things I sacrifice for the well-being of my friends," I muttered, bravely making my way to the bathroom.

      Once in, I tore the cupboard open and scanned my eyes for the ibuprofen. And sure enough, it was right where I'd expected it to be.

      "Bingo," I smiled, picking the small bottle up.

      Skillfully jumping over the demon pile of clothes, I raced back upstairs and to my ill friend.

      "Here," I said, handing Katie two pills.

      She looked at me for a minute before finally reaching into my hand and grabbing the items.

      "Make sure to drink water with them," I reminded, as she stuffed the medicine into her mouth.

      "Thank you," She sighed, after downing the rest of her water.

      "It's fine. Although I do wish you were a bit more careful back there. You don't know who could have done what to you in your drunken state," I said, wetting a rag and dabbing her forehead.

      Katie swatted me away.

      "I'm not a baby, Cart. I can do things by myself," She argued, attempting to stand up but failing miserably.

      "Said the one who got mindlessly drunk and now has a killer hangover," I muttered, retreating into her bedroom to grab a pair of pajamas for her to change into.

      I opened the drawer where she'd usually have pj's, but all I found were packages of what looked like some type of pills. Was she stashing more ibuprofen in here?

      I gently picked up a pack, examining it carefully. Turning it over to see the other side, I gasped.

      Birth control.

      Katie was going to have a massive interrogation once she was sober!

      I quickly put the pills back and opened her other drawers, trying to find a suitable pair of pajamas. I soon gave up though, settling on a pair of Christmas pants and a t-shirt with dancing bananas on it. Yeah, don't ask me why she had that shirt.

      "Katie, put these on," I instructed, tossing her the new clothes.

      "Why?" She asked sassily.

      "Because I'm the sober and smart one here, and you're the drunk and confused one," I replied, with the same amount of sass.

      She grunted and snatched the clothes from me, as I stepped outside to let her change. Was I that stupid to let my best friend wander alone at a high school party? On a school night?! She must have drugged me or something, because I really had no idea why I agreed to this whole awful ordeal. Nothing good came out from it. I was harassed by a drunk noob, Aiden was hooking up with every girl there, and it was just overall terrible.

      The lesson here is, never attend a crazy high school party. They end awfully.

      "Done," Katie called out.

      I re-entered the bathroom and spotted Katie sitting criss-crossed by the wall. Her skin was quite pale, and she had dark bags under her eyes. The good thing was that she hadn't thrown up in five minutes.

      "You doing better?" I asked, sitting across from her.

      "Sort of," She replied, rubbing her temples.

      "Well, I've never drank, nor taken care of a drunk person. But I do think you're doing better than before. No more nausea?" I questioned.

      "I think I've already emptied all the contents inside of my body," She snapped.

      "Hey, no need to get sassy with me. Need I remind you I'm the one taking care of you? I'm the one who drove you home? I'm the one covering for your shit? And what did you do? Force me into going to this dumb party, insist that you go galavanting by yourself, get drunk, and then get sick.

      So go ahead. Snap at me. But just remember I'm the one who's being forced to act like your babysitter."

      I think something inside of me had just broken, because I'd never stood up to Katie like that before. I was more of a follower, not much of a leader. But boy did it feel good to tell her off. She was being immensely ungrateful.

      "You're right. I'm sorry," She sighed.

      "Whatever. It's fine. Let's just get you to bed and try to get through the night. Tomorrow you're going to have to crappiest day of your life, so let's try to reduce it as much as we can. I'll keep a bucket by your bed in case you get sick, alright? And make sure to act normal around your mom tomorrow. Try not to seem like you've got a hangover," I said, helping her up to her bed.

      "Don't worry. I've got this down," Katie said reassuringly.

      But somehow, I doubted it.


Aiden's P.O.V:

      Loud music thumped in my ears as I grinned with an insanely hot girl. Right now I was crazy drunk, which didn't matter to me at this point. Gotta live it up, right?

      "Hey, why don't we go somewhere more...private?" The girl asked, leading me to a back room.

      I shrugged, to out of it to even comprehend what she meant.

      Soon she grabbed my collar and kissed me, the kiss turning into a make-out session. Her hand inched along the wall, looking for a door handle. She finally opened a door up, as we stumbled inside, still lip-locked.

      As I broke away for air, I saw Carter sitting on a bed with....Connor?! The new jerk?! What the hell were they doing on a bed together? And why did Carter look

      I slapped myself for calling her hot. Carter was almost like me sister! We were too close for me to think of her at that.But I had to admit....she looked pretty good. 

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