Chapter 30: What's in Jacob's Bag

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Chapter 30: What's In Jacob's Bag

      "Call it off!" I whined, with bits of gummy bear flying out of my mouth.

      Connor looked at me amusedly.

      "Nope. We had a deal. Finish it by the end of the night or you run down the street in a unicorn mask," he replied.

      I cursed him in my head.

      I had about two hours left before it hit eight, which we agreed would be the end. I wasn't even half way through with the dang thing, and I already felt like I was going to be sick.

      Why did I have to create such dumb bets?!

      "Please Con," I whined.

      He shook his head.

      "Nope. Once you start a bet with me, you can't end it," he said, tapping my nose.

      Note to self: don't make bets with Connor unless you're sure you're going to win them.

      I shoved more of the giant gummy bear into my mouth as my stomach lurched a little bit.

      "I feel like I'm going to barf, Connor," I said, clutching my stomach.

      "Then stop eating it!" He said, rushing over to help me.


      "Would you really rather vomit than lose the bet?" He asked.


      "Kit-Kat, you're so stubborn," he sighed, directing me toward the couch.

      "I know. I don't like losing," I said.

      "I can tell. But you're going to lose this bet. I won't let you eat anymore of that crap," he said sternly, walking over to the gummy bear.

      "What are you doing?" I asked.

      "Putting it away for now. I don't want you sneaking it while I'm not looking," he replied.


      "But nothing. You lost....something I'm sure you don't hear often, but you lost. It's part of life, my friend," he cut me off.

      "Oh, so I'm just a friend now?" I asked teasingly.

      "No, of course you're more than that," he replied, kissing the tip of my nose.

      I was about to say something witty, but felt my stomach lurch again.

      "Gotta barf!" I yelled, pushing Connor off of me.

      I sprinted to the nearest bathroom as fast as my legs would take me, and threw up into the toilet. Colors of blue and red filled the the toilet, and I felt extremely gross.

      I always hated throwing up. I hated that nasty feeling you got in the back of your throat - that burning feeling. I never particularly got sick, but when I did, it was bad.

      And I had a feeling that this was going to be bad.

      As I threw up once again into the toilet, Connor grabbed my hair and put it into a bun. He slowly rubbed my back and made weird cooing noises that strangely comforted me.

      I brought my head up from the toilet and rested it on Connor's shoulder.

      "You know, most people throw up from hang overs. But you? You throw up from gummy bear overloads," Connor said, rubbing my stomach.

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