Chapter 3: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

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Chapter 3: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Aiden's P.O.V:

      After Carter left, I was stuck with Stacy. Now don't get me wrong, Stacy's a hot girl, it's just she's not my type. She's too.....bubbly, maybe? Ugh. I was starting to sound like Carter now. That couldn't be good.

      Well, whatever it was, Stacy's wasn't for me. And Carter (oh, thank God for Carter!) set me up on a date with her tonight. I guess that's just when I'll break it to her. I'll tell her I'm just not interested.

      "Bye Aiden!" She said, planting a kiss on my cheek.

      "Bye," I replied, waving her off.

      Call me cold, but I don't want to lead the girl on. Then she'd be even more of a hassle to get rid of.

      "Miller!" Someone shouted. I turned my head and saw Darren, one of my best friends, walking toward me.

      "Hey Cross. What's up?" I asked, sticking my hands in my pockets.

      "New kid is what's up," He stated, folding his arms.

      "There's a new kid?" I questioned, scoping the school out.

      "Yeah. The girls are going crazy about him. I mean, he wasn't even that attractive," Darren replied, his voice dripping with jealousy.

      "What did he look like?" I wanted to know more about this new kid. See if he'd turn out to be popular.

      "Dark hair. Dark eyes. Kind of reserved, actually."

      My mind made a click, as I thought back to yesterday at the ice cream store.

      "Was he kind of a bad ass?" I asked, trying to remember what the guy looked like.

      "Suppose he is. The dude's got a motorcycle," Darren shrugged.

      "I might have seen him yesterday. Carter was drooling over the guy," I rolled my eyes, remembering her face.

      "Really? She never drools over guys," Darren said, heading over to his locker.

      "I know. It was weird." I shook my head.

      Carter never liked guys. Or....maybe she did, just never told me. We didn't really talk about that type of stuff, unless it was Carter scolding me about dating 'too many' girls.

      Yeah, she didn't know what she was talking about. I dated a fine amount of girls. It was perfectly healthy at our age!

      "Aiden?" Darren asked, shaking me.


      "You zoned out. I was talking about Stacy. She's pretty hot, man. Good catch," Darren replied, patting my back.

      "She's okay." I said dryly.

      "Oh no. What happened?" Darren asked, groaning.

      He's another one who doesn't my choices in dating. But whatever. He's not my mom.

      "She's just not my type. Breaking up with her tonight."

      "Dude, she was nice. One of the only nice girls you've ever been with!" Darren threw up his hands in exasperation.

     "Chill out! She's just....just....I don't know. It's not working out for me," I said softly.

      "It never works out for you," Darren muttered.

      "What was that?"

      "Nothing. Look, I've gotta go. Have fun breaking up with Stacy," He replied, walking down the now empty hallway.

      The second bell rang, signaling I was officially late for class.

      "Shit," I muttered, jogging to trig.

      "Mr. Miller. You're late again. Please take a seat," The teacher snapped, glaring at me.

      For a 40 year old woman, she sure was cranky.

      "Yes ma'am," I replied, slipping into an empty desk.

      Lucky me, it was right in the front.

      "Alright class! Take out your notebooks! We're taking a lot of notes today," She barked, starting to write on the board.

      The class groaned, but obeyed anyway. It's not like we could disagree with what the devil said. I sighed and took out paper, beginning to write down the equations.


      "Do you think this eye shadow matches my lip gloss?" Sara asked.

      "Sure," I replied, shrugging.

      Sara was one of the girls who sat at my lunch table, along with a ton of other guys and chicks I hardly knew.

      "Good. If it didn't, that would have been über embarrassing!" She sighed, putting her pounds of make-up away.

      "Yeah....über...." Whatever the hell that even meant.

      Across the grass (because we sat outside) I spotted Carter and her friend Katie. I would say Katie was her best friend......but we all know who held that title.

      "Carter, Katie! Over here!" I called out, waving my hands.

      I saw Katie nudge Carter to look my way, to which she did. Then Carter shook her head and continued on, until they settled under a tree.

      "I don't know why you like those losers anyway. It's unnatural," Sara commented, staring at me like I was an idiot.

      "Look Sara, just because I broke up with you doesn't mean you get to be rude to my best friend. Okay?" I hissed, shooting her a glare.

      Man, did I always date bitches?

      "Whatever. Suit yourself," She replied haughtily.

      As I looked back at Carter, she was laying down on the grass, staring up at the trees.

      "I'm going over there," I stated, striding over to where they were situated. I was going to force that girl to talk to me, even if she didn't want to.

      "Hey Cart. Kate," I greeted, sitting cross-legged.

      "What do you want?" Carter asked, sitting up.

      "Nice to see you too bestie," I said, rolling my eyes.

      "Seriously. What's up?" She asked again.

      "Just wanted to make sure you're okay. You," I replied.

      "I'm fine."

      "Yeah, you can go now," Katie chimed in, waving me off.

      "Why?" I wasn't about to leave so easily.

      "Because I said so. Plus Carter's not in the mood to talk to you," She added.

      "Again, why?" I asked, directing it more to Carter.

      "Aiden, please. Just go hang out with your people," Carter sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

      "Alright. If that's what you want. But just so you know, I'm coming over later to check on you," I warned.

      "Well that's too bad, because you're going on a date. Good-bye Aiden," She replied, pushing me.

      I sighed in defeat and trudged away. Man, what was into Carter?

Carter's P.O.V:

      Did I feel bad about shoving Aiden away? Eh. Not really. He kind of deserved it, anyway.

      It's not that I was angry at him, just a bit frustrated. I mean, when he's dating a girl, he just out right goes and flirts with another! It's like he doesn't care about anyone else's feelings but his own.

      You know what, scratch that. I KNOW he doesn't care about anyone's feelings but his own. He's just that type of person.

      "He cares about you," Katie stated.

      Wow, perfect timing eh?

      Katie was really the only one who knew I liked Aiden more than a friend. She always encouraged me to tell him, because as she put it, 'he definitely liked me back, he just didn't know it yet'. Hah! As if. Aiden never liked me, and he never would. That's just the way life worked.

      "Does not," I replied.

      "Does too! He only ever wants to talk to you, he gives you his full attention, and for God's sakes, he cares about you more than his own girlfriends!" She said, breathing heavily.

      Although what she said made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, I refused to listen to it. It's like giving someone false hope. 'Oh, yeah. Sure he likes you!' Then later you find out he really doesn't. Which I'm 100% sure Aiden is NOT into me.

      And why would he be? I'm.....well I'm me and he's.....he's amazing. Popular, handsome, and has every girl swooning at the mere MENTION of him. And what am I? I'm his weirdo nerd friend who no one bothers to even acknowledge. I'm a nobody.

      "Maybe in your eyes. I just feel that he only worries about himself and his reputation. Like he'll be ruined if he gets too committed to a girl. It's strange," I commented, watching Aiden yet again flirt with another girl.

      "Cares about himself and you. That's what I'm sure of," Katie said, ruffling through her hair.

      "Yeah, whatever."

      "By the way Cart, what was up with you and the new guy? I saw he was talking to you a ton," Katie asked, her eyes averting to mine.

      Great. She brought up HIM again. It was pretty awful what happened in the news room. I almost made a fool out of myself.....twice.

      Here's the down-low on what exactly happened:

      "Carter, pleasure seeing you here," Connor grinned, walking over to me.

      I stood there like an idiot, my saucer of eyes staring into his own.

      "I-I didn't know you were in the newspaper column," I stuttered, frozen on the spot.

      "Well you learn something new everyday, huh? I actually enjoy writing," Connor replied, hopping onto a desk.

      "Suppose I do."

      I quickly glanced in his direction before shuffling away, not in the mood to associate with him. It's like one of those moments where someone really annoying won't leave you alone until you answer them.

      "So you enjoy writing too?" He asked, examining an old school newspaper.

      "Well that would probably be the reason I signed up for this class."

      I clamped my mouth shut, realizing what I'd just said. Why did I have to be so sarcastic all the time?! I needed a censor on my mouth before I was allowed to say anything.

      Connor laughed, "You're cool."

      I literally made a face at him; like an 'are you on friggen crack' type of look. I was not cool-in fact I was the farthest from it. I was at THE bottom of the social pyramid.

      "And you're a comedian," I replied, shaking my head.

      "No, really. You're cool. You aren't like most of the people around here, who pretend to be someone else. You'," He said, offering me a half-smile.

      I guess half of what he said was true. In a school of fakes and wannabe's, I stayed true to myself. However I was still not cool. I never would be.

      "Well.....thanks? I've got to get back to work," I stated, walking over to a computer.

      "Sure thing." Connor nodded before heading back to his original spot.

      As I began searching for topics to write a story on, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

      "Connor, seriously. I've got-"

      I stopped mid-sentence when I saw Katie staring at me with a confused expression.

      "Care to explain what that exactly was?" She asked.

      "Ugh. Fine. But at lunch, okay?" I said, waving her off.

      So now here we were, at lunch. And I had to explain all that.

      "Well? I'm not getting any younger," Katie said, snapping me out of my daze.

      "Oh. Right. Well, there's honestly not much to say. Connor just talked to me a bit. No biggie." I shrugged.

      "Uh, WAY biggie! He's the school's new hot guy who has ONLY spoken to you today! All the girls are dying for him to even glance at them, and all the guys want to be his friend! Do you realize what is happening?" She screeched, shaking me.

      "No, but if you stop shaking me I'd be able to understand what you're getting at," I replied, prying her hands off of me.

      "Oh. Sorry. But what I'm trying to say is that you may very well get your first boyfriend through this guy. He seems interested in you," Katie said, eyeing me seriously.

      "B-but what about Aiden?" I asked, my heart beating faster.

      "Screw Aiden! He's an-excuse my language-man whore! You can't keep waiting for him," Katie's blue eyes shone with a new fire in them, showing me she really meant what he said.

      Was what she said something that I needed to listen to? Aiden was my best possible soul mate! I really liked him. I couldn't just stop my feelings from coming. Even if he didn't like me back. Connor was very attractive-I'll admit that. But he wasn't Aiden. No one was.

      I stared at Katie blankly, my mind sifting through my options and information. I was at a wall-keep crushing on Aiden and never get the reaction I'd like, or go for a guy who seemed interested?

      "Katie, I think I'll just stick with being Aiden's best friend for now, and being just acquaintances with Connor. I don't think going after either is a good idea right now," I shrugged, laying back down.

      Katie sighed but dropped the subject anyway. It's not like she could change my mind.

(A/N) Yay, new chappie! :) Pretty jam-packed chapter. More of Connor, bit of Aiden's thoughts. Plus Carter's convo with Katie. Interesting enough?

Even so, I hope you're enjoying the story! It's quite fun to write! :)

Oh, and for Carter I casted Ashley Argota. Ashley is pretty much what I pictured Carter to be; just less girly. At first I casted Shay Mitchell from PLL, but she wasn't exactly how I envisioned Carter to be. I feel Ashley is a better fit. Anyway, I think she's great to be pictured as Carter!

Song of the chapter today is: Beautiful People by Cher Lloyd. You know, the song actually fits the whole idea of the story! Like, Aiden gets whatever he wants and sucks Carter's heart out even though he is always with other girls. Good song, and describes the book. Take a listen when you've got time! :D



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