Chapter Eight
"Have you heard anything from Eve or Dina?" Eva asked Sasha over the phone. Eva and Lisa were putting plans together and Sasha and Mamoru would be back from Japan in two days. "No, we figured they were with you, why?" Sasha asked. Eva explained that nobody had seen or heard from them since they left to go get disguises. Sasha told her to give it a few days before freaking out too much and promised to call her before their flight.
Eva hung up the phone and turned to Lisa, "Maybe I'm paranoid," she said plopping into a chair. 'Lisa walked over and sat next to her, "I'm sure they're fine. They may hate each other but together they are destructive as hell," Eva sink deeper into her chair, "It's the together part I'm worried about,"
"Eve!" Dina yelled as loud as she could in a whisper, "Eve! Wake the hell up!" She hissed again. Eve started to open her eyes, "What, Dina?" she asked in an annoyed tone. Dina scooted closer, "How the hell are we going to get out of here?" she asked Eve. Dina was startled when Eve broke out laughing, "You don't get it, do you? I'm not supposed to be here. I paid somebody to do this to you, but apparently somebody paid higher for the both of us," Eve snarled. Dina was still for a moment before turning away from Eve, "Well, they say three times a charm, so maybe you'll get me next time."
"Sometimes I wish we could just stay here forever, no heels drama just the two of us," Sasha said as she cuddled with Mamoru watching the stars. Mamoru pulled her closer, "Someday, Kireina, someday," he promised her kissing her forehead. She smiled against his chest listening to his heartbeat. They decided to stay in Japan for a few more days to spend some time together and get away from everything.
Sasha fell asleep on the roof in Mamoru's arms. He carried her to bed and kissed her lips gently before walking into the bathroom. He stayed up working on a surprise. When Mamoru finally went to bed, he stared at the woman sleeping next to himself and knew he was the luckiest guy in the world.
"Mamoru! Open this damn door! I know you're in there with that shimeitehaijin!" Agent Cory, Mamoru's father, yelled from the other side of Sasha's hotel room door. Sasha was already awake and getting dressed. She recognized the last word...shimeitehaijin. It meant wanted criminal. Acting fast, Sasha woke Mamoru up and quickly explained what was going on. He threw on a shirt and they went out the balcony.
Dina was trying to get her ropes untied while Eve slept. She finally got them untied and stood up to dust herself off. She looked around the room and spotted a window in the corner. Dina made her move, but something stopped her. Looking back at Eve, she had to make a decision. Wake Eve up or leave her for whatever fate awaits. Muttering a curse she stormed over to Eve and smacked her, "Get your ass up!"
Dina and Eve made their getaway at the same time Sasha and Mamoru were. Sasha looked over at Mamoru. They were hiding in a house where they were welcomed by Lilly and her husband Nick. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you get those burn scars?" Sasha asked Lilly politely. Nick grabbed his wife's hand to comfort her. "I was in a fire with my mother when I was sixteen. She died in the fire and I moved to Paris to live with my aunt. It's kind of the reason Nick and I are together," Lilly replied gazing at her husband. Sasha smiled at the two and looked at Mamoru, "Maybe that will be us someday huh?" she asked in a whisper. Mamoru pulled her close, "It will be Kireina, I promised you, remember?" he reassured her. She nodded leaning her head on his shoulder.
"Hello, Luke," Hannah snarled hitting him in the head with a baseball bat, "I think you have some answers for me and I plan on getting them. Anyway necessary," she hissed in his ear.
Eve and Dina finally got to a safe place. They were sitting against trees breathing heavily. Looking around Dina commented on their surroundings, "What the hell are we doing in Japan?" Eve didn't say anything. She just stared at Dina, "So, I know you were at the warehouse the night Lisa was stabbed. My first question is how and why did you save her and second, do you even know who stabbed her? Because I do," Eve questioned.
"Mamoru and you make a pretty cute couple," Lilly commented while Sasha helped her make breakfast. Sasha smiled at the compliment, "Yes, although you and Nick compliment each other perfectly," she replied. Lilly laughed, "Yea we do, it's not easy though. You can't have your fairytale without your bumpy carriage ride," Lilly advised. Sasha grimaced, "Yeah, bumpy is all our relationship has been," Lilly gave her a hug, "You guys will get through it, Nick and I started our relationship on separate continents and keeping secrets."
"Ok Lisa, first Eve and Dina disappear and now Sasha and Mamoru are off the grid. Something is going on and you can't say I'm paranoid anymore," Eva ranted to Lisa. Neither of them had heard from Sasha, Mamoru, Eve, or Dina for two weeks. They had all gone off the grid and there hadn't been any news about where Hannah was lurking. "Eva calm down. I'm sure Eve and Dina are just up to their old disappearing act and Sasha and Mamoru are probably just lovebirds roaming Japan," Lisa told her in an attempt to calm her down though. Lisa knew that's now what happened, she just didn't know what had actually happened.
"Awe, what's the matter Luke? Trying to figure out where you are?" Hannah mocked. They were in her hotel room. Luke was tied to a chair and had duct tape over his mouth. Hannah stood in front of him with a knife in her hand. Luke tried to talk, but it sounded like gibberish under the tape. Hannah laughed, "You don't get to talk until you are ready to give me answers, plus I haven't even had a chance to have any fun with you," she told him grinning evilly. "So, Luke I want to know why you sold the heels out, how you found out, oh and I want to know why Mamoru helped you?" she questioned. Luke tried to yell, but gave up and even though he couldn't move his hands he flipped Hannah off. Her eyes filled with rage and she slapped Luke again and again.
"You bitch. You really thought I wouldn't know if my cousin went missing," Eve said. Hannah turned around, "How the hell did you get here? I paid good money to keep you locked away, both of you!" Hannah screeched looking at Eve and Dina. "It's my turn to ask the questions. Oh and you should've paid more," Eve replied as Dina knocked her in the head with a brick, "We make a good team."
"Thank you so much for everything," Sasha thanked Lilly and Nick giving them both hugs. "No problem. Are you sure it's safe to travel?" Nick asked concerningly. Mamoru nodded, "Thanks again for letting us use your private jet. Using the airlines probably isn't the safest choice right now." Sasha and Mamoru said their last thank you's and goodbyes before getting into the car to go to the airport. The romantic hideaway had been nice, but it was time for them to go back to their real world.
Eve untied Luke and studied his wounds while Dina worked on tying Hannah up. "Luke, why did Hannah think that you set us up...and that Mamoru helped you?" Eve asked without making any accusations. Luke sighed, "Because it's the do you know Mamoru?" he replied with his own question. Dina and Eve shared a look, "He's dating Sasha."
When the heels decided to kill Dina, they forgot one of the most important parts. Doing your research on the victim. They didn't make sure they knew everyone in Dina's life and sometimes that doesn't matter, but in this case it did. If they had done their research the heels would have found out that Dina was secretly dating somebody. At the time he went by Matt, but changed his name to Mamoru when he moved to Japan. His dad worked in the FBI blah blah blah. You already know his story. The story you don't know however is the night that the dirty deed was actually completed.
Dina and her secret boyfriend were cuddling and watching old movies in Dina's room. Her parents were out of town for the weekend so they were taking full advantage. While in the middle of watching Grease Dina got a text from Sasha, Come outside...the rest of the girls are here.We need to talk ASAP.
Dina promised to be back in a few and hurried outside to meet her 'friends'. When she got out there the girls were standing by a tree. Dina smiled at them, "Where's Eve?" As she said this a baseball made contact with the back of her skull as she fell to the ground. Sasha and Lisa helped Eve drag the body to the hole they buried while Eva kept watch. She didn't do her job well since Mamoru was watching from the window.
Three days before the heels and Luke left for Italy Luke received an email from Mamoru. He told him who the heels were and explained how he knew. Then he told Luke they killed Dina and Luke agreed to help bring them down. They planned out every detail except what would happen for the 30 seconds that the heels were together after their arrest.
After the water scene the girls were escorted to cells. After a mistake in assignments the girls were in the same bathroom. They knew their time together was short and that someone would realize the mistake soon. They planned their escape quickly and made it as simple as possible. By time the guards realized the mistake the girls had already made their plan and went separate ways quietly.
So that explained how Mamoru knew the heels, why he wanted revenge, and how the heels planned their escape. It didn't explain why it was so easy for Luke to betray his family. That's the story that only Luke can tell us. Unless, Eve gets her hands on his email account.
Do you remember when the heels weren't together and Hannah was still on their side? Eve and Hannah both found evidence in Lisa's murder...that wasn't actually a murder. We already know Hannah's evidence, but the owner of that hair that Eve knows so well is still a mystery.
I think enough secrets have been revealed for these heels for now. Let's go back to Lisa and Eva.
Sasha and Mamoru were back with Lisa and Eva, but they still hadn't heard anything from Eve and Dina. Either way the plan had to go on. Mamoru set up a meeting with his father and fellow agents that were working on the case. The heels and Mamoru got to the meeting place hours before they were supposed to meet. In the process of setting up cameras, hiding weapons, and planning escapes they heard footsteps come up the stairs quietly and slowly. Sasha grabbed a knife and stood behind the door, Eva stood in front of the door fists up ready to attack anyone that walked through the door. Lisa and Mamoru backed Eva up and they waited for the door to open. Then the footsteps stopped right in front of the door.
Absolute silence on both sides of the door. Nobody moved and they barely let out a breath. Sasha slowly moved her hand the the door handle. She gave Eva a look and counted in an inaudible whisper, "1, 2, 3," Sasha threw open the door and the knife in her hand fell to the floor, "RUN!"
"I revealed who Luke was emailing so it's your turn Eve. Who did you see in the video?" Hannah asked from her position tied to a chair. "Not that I owe you an explanation, but I saw Evelyn. That's another reason I shot her. What I can't figure out is if she was working with Mamoru," Eve replied. Hannah nodded her head, "Let me go and we can help each other," she pleaded. Dina laughed and answered before Eve could, "You gave us all the info you have. You have no leverage to convince us."
Agent Cory prepared his agents for the meeting. They were prepared for everything the heels could throw at them...too bad it wasn't the heels throwing something at them. The five agents got into their two cars and headed to the location. When they got there the agents were in complete shock. The building had blown up. Parts of the building were still on fire and Agent Lane called for backup. They rushed toward the building and Agent Cory was panicking. What if his son was in the building when it blew up?
Dina ran into the hotel room, "Turn on the news now!" she shouted at Eve. She turned the tv on and listened to the story.
Today in International News a partially built hotel was blown up in Italy. The FBI is saying that they received intelligence that the fugitives known as the secret heels would be in the building today. When agents arrived, the building had already blown up and was still on fire. It is unknown if the fugitives were in the building when it exploded, but the FBI has promised to inform the public as soon as they know anything.
Eve picked up her phone and dialed Sasha's number. No answer so she tried Eva, no answer. No answer from Lisa, and even Mamoru didn't answer. Eve couldn't breath and in a panic dialed an unlikely. "Agent Cory...this is Eve...I need to know if they were in that building,"
"Agent Cory, there was a call for you. They left a message," one of the secretaries told him. He nodded and picked up the phone. 'Agent Cory...this is Eve...I need to know if they were in that building'. Cory set the phone down and called Agent Lane into his office. He had Lane listen to the voicemail. "Listen Lane, I don't care why your assignment is calling me, but it's two days from Valentine's Day. I don't want to know what she's planning...and the others if they are alive. You need to catch" he commanded Lane. Lane nodded his head and left to get to work. He definitely had his work cut out for him.
Agent Lane immediately got on his computer and tried to trace Eve's last location she used the internet. He found traces of her hacking signature in Japan, but it was from weeks ago and he was sure she had already left. Lane was frustrated that he couldn't find another trace of her anywhere. It's like she had gone completely off grid and that wasn't like her. She used the internet somewhere. Whether it was to hack into a database or check her email. He would find the trace and find her.
It was Valentine's Day. A day made for love and happiness. 10 packages went through the mail. One for each of the Agents, all the girls got one, and a very special package was being had delivered to Mamoru.
Agent Polizzi was going over paperwork when he received his package. It was small, a bit larger than a rubix cube. He carefully unwrapped the package and opened the lid. He furrowed his eyebrows at the contents. Inside, an engagement ring sat inside with a note. He couldn't figure out why it seemed so personal until he read the note. 'Happy Valentine's Day Agent...since you hunted my family when I wasn't around to protect them I thought I would do the same for you...with love...Lisa xx'. Agent Polizzi dropped the note out of horror as he realized where he knew the ring from. He proposed to his girlfriend with it the night before. Polizzi grabbed his jacket and rushed out of the building dialing his girlfriend's number.
Agent Lappin walked over to Polizzi's desk in confusion as to why he ran out. Lappin saw the note and ring on the desk. "'re gonna want to see this!" he yelled. Cory came over and looked at the package. "When did he get this?" Cory questioned. Lappin shrugged and replied, "I'm assuming this morning...why?" Cory ran his hands through his thinning hair, "Because there's a package sitting on my desk that arrived this morning," he revealed. Both agents looked around and saw a package on the desk of all of the members dedicated to finding the heels.
"Eve! I have a surprise for you!" Dina called out from the doorway. Eve rolled out of bed and stumbled towards the door. "What is it?" she asked annoyed. "We got packages," Dina replied handing her a box. Eve furrowed her eyebrows and opened the box. Inside was photos...of her and the other girls. There was also a letter that she opened.

The Secret Heels
Teen FictionThe Secret Heels. World famous and anonymous thieves. The Secret Heels consist of five high school girls who live in New York City. Hannah, Eve, Eva, Lisa, and Sasha entered high school united. The five girls had been friends since second grade whe...