Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

People say that right before you die, you relive your whole life. Every single choice, regret, sip of coffee, and book read. The little moments and the life changing ones. It all is compressed into seconds and you are left to wonder if you did enough to be remembered. Sasha, Eva, and Hannah never believed in that, but as they stood above the body of their closest friend, yet also biggest enemy they wondered if she saw her whole life before the last light of life slipped away.

They wondered if she saw every betrayal, joke, moments of weaknesses, and the friendship they once shared. Lisa stood in the corner of the room staring in shock. Dina was crying as she crouched by the only person she ever trusted. As for Eve, she stood in the doorway of the room holding a gun. "Eve, how could you do that?" Hannah choked out. Eve dropped to the floor. "She did it. After everything we've been through she betrayed us," Sasha fell to the floor by Evelyn. "She was your sister Eve. Your flesh and blood," she criticized. Eve turned to walk out of the room "You guys are my flesh and blood. She's just the bitch that threatened it."

Hannah and Eva carried the body into the cellar where they had been held. Lisa and Dina hadn't moved from their position. Sasha and Eve cleaned up the blood and wiped the gun of their prints. "Eve...I don't understand what's going on. How is Lisa alive and why is she here? With Dina of all people. Have they been working together all these years? What about Evelyn? We sent her to jail and then she disappeared and the last anyone heard she married some scientist and was living in Asia. How the hell did she get involved and how did you find us?" Sasha ranted on to Eve. Eve set down the rag and stood up. "There's a lot of questions to be answered. I'm interested in how Lisa and Dina are alive and how long they've been working together," she picked up the gun putting prints back on it and walked back into the room where Lisa and Dina were.

"Both of you need to start talking now before I decide to shoot somebody else," Eve demanded pointing the gun at the two unfortunate souls standing in the the middle of the room. Lisa stepped away from Dina. "Eve...what are you doing? I'm your friend. How could you think I would betray you?" Lisa questioned. Eve glanced over to Dina "Then how come that traitor knew you were alive and your real friends didn't?" Eve asked with a hint of sarcasm. Hannah walked into the room "Have you guys seen Sasha? There's a prob-" Hannah froze when she saw the scene in front of her. Hannah stepped in front of Eve "What the hell are you doing? Were you going to shoot them?" Hannah demanded. "I'm getting answers. I am not ready to welcome anyone back with warm arms until I find out why dead girls can't stay dead around here," Eve responded pushing her out of the way. Hannah retaliated and smacked the taste out of Eve's mouth.

"This is your fault! You shot Evelyn, you wanted to kill Dina, and you were the one who wanted to start the Secret Heels in the first place! This is your ENTIRE FUCKING FAULT!" Hannah screamed at Eve.

Sasha walked in with Mamoru and Hannah turned her rage to her. "And you! You are too damn caught up with this fairytale of having a normal life to give a damn what happens to the rest of us. Well I have news for you princess. You're more screwed up than the rest of us combined. For god sake your grandfather killed your mother!" she snapped grabbing her jacket, "I'm out of here, and I'm out of the heels!" she said sternly storming out.

Eve, Eva, Lisa, Sasha, Dina, and Mamoru all sat in a park near the building where all the drama had gone down. "So...kind of an awkward time, but everyone this is Mamoru. Mamoru this is everyone," Sasha nervously announced. "I won't lie and pretend I'm happy you're here, but it is nice to finally meet you," Eve replied extending her hand. Mamoru shook her hand and the awkward silence returned shortly before being broken again...this time by Dina, "So...Eve, was it really your idea to kill me?" She asked smirking. Eve took a sip of water "Still your back bitch," Eve replied. Dina rolled her eyes and went back to looking at the people around them. "Do you think Hannah was serious?" Eva asked the group. Sasha and Eve shrugged, but Lisa was the one to give an actual reply, "Hannah will come back," Lisa promised, "But right now our issue is planning our next move," she said changing the subject. Mamoru suddenly spoke up, "I might be able to help with that,"

After hearing Mamoru's plan, the girls immediately got to work. Lisa and Eva went to a tow yard to find a car, Sasha and Mamoru were on their way to the airport to go back to Japan, and somehow Eve and Dina got paired together to get new disguises together...that pairing will work great.

Lisa was trying to Hotwire a car and Eva was keeping watch. It was a yellow Audi R8 and Lisa couldn't stop drooling over it. Eva was telling her to hurry it up and Lisa huffed getting out of the car, "It's ready, let's go," Eva got in the car and Lisa took off. The security guard came running outside but all he saw was Eve screaming "LISA SLOW THE HELL DOWN!"

While Lisa made her get away Sasha and Mamoru were getting on a plane. "So what exactly is the plan once we get there? Why are we going back in the first place?" Sasha asked Mamoru. He sighed and muttered a curse under his breath. "Mamoru what's going on?" Sasha asked concerned. Mamoru looked her in the eyes and started to make a confession, "Sasha, there's something you don't know about me,"

While Mamoru was confessing his sins, Eve was committing hers. Eve and Dina were walking down an alley with the bags from shopping when Eve stopped. "Hey, Dina," she whispered. Dina turned around and simultaneously was gagged with a cloth soaked in chloroform. Eve smirked first before a cloth was placed over her mouth. This isn't what she paid for.

Lisa skid into the airport parking lot. Eva immediately jumped out of the car huffing and puffing. "What is your problem? That was so fun!" Lisa asked laughing. Eva gave her a bewildered look, "What's WRONG? WHAT'S WRONG IS WE COULD HAVE DIED! TWICE!" she screamed. Lisa just laughed and tossed the car keys to her, "You drive next time then."

"What the hell do you mean your dad is Agent Cory,as in the man in charge of tracking down one of my best friends!" Sasha screamed at Mamoru. "I'm sorry, Kireina, I didn't even know that he was on the case till two days ago...that's why I came to find you. So that I could try to tell you," he tried to explain. Sasha just shook her head, "I don't want to hear it."

Eve yelled for someone to come in the room. She paid good money to have Dina drugged and kidnapped... Not for her to join her. Nobody answered her calls though. It was complete silence on the other side of the door. The only thing that could this in Eve's mind is that someone paid more than her.

Behind the other side of the door was something Eve would never expect. "I don't get why you're doing this, You're supposed to be an FBI Agent?" Hannah asked. Lane smirked, "And you're supposed to be her friend,". Hannah rolled her eyes. "Here's your money," she handed Agent Lane an envelope and walked out of the room. Agent Lane looked down at his knife and thought to himself, 'I'm gonna have fun with this,'

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