The Secret Heels. World famous and anonymous thieves. The Secret Heels consist of five high school girls who live in New York City.
Hannah, Eve, Eva, Lisa, and Sasha entered high school united. The five girls had been friends since second grade whe...
Sasha hummed to a song as she cooked dinner. Her boyfriend was coming over tonight. She wanted to make the perfect meal. It was strange to her having problems like what do I make for dinner instead of where are we going to hide from the FBI.
The timer on the oven beeped and she pulled the lasagna out. She made asparagus and garlic bread as side dishes. Sasha had been so busy with dinner that she hadn't even thought about getting ready until ten minutes before he was supposed to get there.
"Shit," she muttered to herself and rushed upstairs. She threw off her plain white shirt and sweatpants and replaced them with a white skin tight dress that went down to her mid thigh and black pumps. Sasha heard the knock on the door and quickly finished putting her makeup on.
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"Hey," she greeted throwing the door open. He smiled and gave her a kiss.
"Something smells good," he complimented. Sasha smiled and got some glasses out.
"Lasagna with asparagus and garlic bread...don't worry it's eggplant lasagna." Sasha took into consideration that he was vegetarian.
He smiled and pulled her into a hug, "Thank you, baby. I'm so glad I have you."
Sasha frowned pulling away, "What's going on?" she asked concerned. He never acted like this.
A sad smile formed on his face, "I need to ask you something, and you need to be honest with me."
She nodded, "Of course, whatever it is, I'll tell you anything."
He laid a newspaper on the counter, "Is this you?" he asked.
Sasha felt the tears come to her eyes. I guess she couldn't have a normal life. "'s me," she confessed sadly. There was no way he would be with a fugitive.
Instead of storming out the door, he embraced her in a hug. "It's okay...whatever you did then doesn't change who you are now."
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"Hurry up, babe!"
Eva tried to hurry up finishing her makeup. He had no patience. It had only been like half an hour give or take an hour. She put her lip gloss in her bag and finally met her fiance at the door. "I'm ready, let's go meet your parents."