Chapter II

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Chapter II

A decade had passed since Aragorn and Mireclya had left, and Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir, and I had taken to spending time together near the edge of the river, practicing dueling or archery, and climbing trees.

Currently, we were pacing down by the river, trying to contemplate the evident, steady, but slow growing fear and darkness coming from the east. Elladan was standing at the river's edge, balancing perfectly atop two pointed rocks, staring off to the east. Elrohir was pacing around Elladan's two rocks, talking to himself, and Arwen was watching her water horses play in the river. I was standing on the tip of a tree branch, keeping my weight light, and shot an arrow underneath one of Arwen's water horses, who was in the middle of a jump.

Arwen grinned at me. "Hannon le. They are beautiful when they jump."

I smiled back, and hopped nimbly down from the tree, landing on the sandy shore just before it turned into gravel, and then into stones, which fell safely into water of the usually calm river.

"What of the darkness from the east?" Elrohir called to his brother, who answered, "I simply cannot see so far. Father has the foresight, I'm afraid, not you or I. The shadows creep into my mind. All I can see is a large globe of red flames atop a black tower - and I do not know whether this can be possible."

Arwen frowned thoughtfully, and went to join her two brothers at the shore of the river. "Dark times will come, melloneamin (my friends), and we must be ready. Perhaps it is time to ask Ada (father) what he thinks."

I walked up to them and went and stood behind Elladan, who, since he was on the rocks, was two heads taller than I. "I don't believe he will answer," I said cautiously. "I think I have a few ideas on what this dark power comes from, but ever one is more unlikely than the last," I sighed.

Elrohir looked at me curiously. "Like what?" he questionned.

"I fear that Sauron has returned, for the One Ring has passed beyond anyone's sight for many hundred years. I fear that it has found a way to return to its Master, and dark times will fall upon us once more." A sudden, head-pounding image appeared in my mind of an orange eye of fiery strands atop a tower, followed by an image of Aragorn and Mireclya dead somewhere in the forest, and my friends and I mourning them from afar. I gasped, and clutched at my head, falling to my knees. The pain began building in my forehead, pounding at my skull. More morbid images began forming that I couldn't even begin to describe before they were replaced by others - memories on the battlefield, more deaths, more fear, more darkness.

I felt like I was about to implode, starting from my skull. My gut hurt, my head pounded, my mind raced, my heart strained, my breaths staggered. Memory after memory, image after image. Horror after horror.

"Oreldes!" A voice snapped somewhere far, far away, and then a soft hand came up to my shoulder, and the images faded away with dying shrieks.

I was surprised to find that I was crying.

"Oreldes, mani naa ta? Mani marte? (Oreldes, What is it? What happened?)" Elrohir's voice whispered in my ear.

"He's back," I whispered so only he could hear me. "I was right. He tried to kill me, he does not want - he does not want anyone to know it's him. Ho awra amin. (He hurt me)."

"Tanya nae n'quel (this is not good)," Elladan murmured from my left. I stood up impatiently, fingering my bowstring. Just having weapons on me suddenly made me feel better.

"He sees everything," I informed them. "We must tell Lord Elrond."
Upon returning to the elven city, the four of us passed several of our friends, including Glorfindel, who looked like he wanted to tell us something, but we passed him with apologetic smiles, saying that we needed to visit Lord Elrond and that it was an emergency.

THE RED RIDER ; lord of the rings {legolas} ✔Where stories live. Discover now