Chapter X

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Chapter X

Elves from Imladris all looked very similar - dark brown hair, generally straighter and thicker, high cheekbones, a darker complexion, and grey eyes. The reflection staring back at me with my same look of incredulity was not one that I remembered. Instead of my thick brown hair that should've been in crimped waves from the braid, I had thinner and longer platinum blonde, nearly silver, hair in gentler waves. Instead of the dark grey eyes I was used to, I saw icy blue. Even my face shape had changed - before, I'd had sharp cheekbones and a slightly pointed chin, but now I had softer features.

I knelt by the pool, and when the reflection copied me and mimicked my expression, I was forced to believe that it really was me reflected in the pool under the stars.


I looked up. It had been a while since I'd truly seen stars like this. The only thing that was closely matched would be back in Rivendell under the heavens, perhaps sitting on the bridge or even just my back porch admiring the silver light relflecting off the waterfalls, but this was far better. The magic of the Eldar was here, far stronger than in Imladris, and this brought the sky so much closer than it seemed. Stars glowed brightly all over, casting mysterious and beautiful silvery lights down in the forest below. The glow caused eerie dapples of silver and shadow on the leaves and moss of the ground. The moonlight was so bright, its light on the leaves and on the silver banisters in the treetops glowed almost blue, but even beneath the silvery glow of the heavens, the night was blacker than ink, making the whole forest seem to be in its element, and my only thought was This is the way to see Lothlórien - beneath the stars and the moon in the darkest night, reflecting silver everywhere.

"Beautiful, are they not?" A warm and haunting voice came from down the path, alarming me. I hadn't heard anyone approach, but when I turned my head, it was obvious why - Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel didn't walk, they glided, floating through the undisturbed air, only using their immense power when needed. They could've been ordinary elves if their auras weren't radiating power and wisdom.

I knelt. "My Lord Celeborn, My Lady Galadriel," I murmured in a voice that I didn't recognize - even my voice had changed, more musical and light, less sharp or sarcastic than before.

"Rise, elleth," Galadriel murmured. I stood, and they had reached me. I saw a strange look on both of their faces - shock, mixed with joy, and a little guilt. "We have much explaining to do."

"Perhaps your appearance would be a good place to start," Celeborn said. He led the way down the path and towards a peaceful fountain; we all sat on its edge. The water splashed behind us, nearly soundless. The stars reflected silver light off the fountain, and once the wind passed and the trees were still, the three of us were covered in dappled shadows.

"I have been wondering, as you may have seen in my reaction by the pool," I said. I even felt different - there was no feeling of sarcasm or impatience, or even stress or worry.

Galadriel smiled slightly. "You must understand, El - Oreldes - that all this occured for your protection. Please try to refrain from interruptions until Celeborn and I have finished."

I bowed my head, confused. "Yes, my Lady."

"You were born in a time of war," she began, and I quickly noted the switch to Sindarin. "Born to a couple of Lórien elves. It was the first war of the Ring, when Sauron first had a body. Your parents were very concerned for your safety, as they were to fight in the war, and disguised you, sending you away to Imladris on the other side of the Misty Mountains, thinking that the Mountains would protect you from Sauron's wrath.

"They had no idea how long the war would last, for though they were both gifted and burdened with powers no other elf truly had, everything during that time was unpredictable, and they left you there while knowing that they had to see you again."

THE RED RIDER ; lord of the rings {legolas} ✔Where stories live. Discover now