Chapter III

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Chapter III

Two days after Aragorn and Mireclya left Rivendell, I packed my small but strong leather pack with a container of water, a small stock of athelas, a long elvish rope, apples, and two slices of Lembas bread, courtesy of Elrond himself. I would only be gone for a few days, but I needed tobe ready for anything.

I pulled on my black trousers and a thin black shirt, tucking it into the pants. I strapped my belt on; my collection of five daggers were sheathed on my left and right, and would be invisible if I wore my cloak. Two were longer, and two were shorter; one was a hunting knife.

I clasped my red winter cloak over my shoulders; though it was early spring and temperatures were mild, I knew I would be grateful for the warmth of the lining during nighttime; plus it was water-slick in case it rained on the outside.

I attached my pack to my back over my double-bladed sword, which was sheathed on both blades, strapped to my back along with a quiver full of arrows and my longbow, a  parting gift from Elrohir, the captain of the elven army. Elladan was second in command; I had been first warrior.

I pulled my hood up and opened the door, only to be interrupted by Elladan, who was stepping up to my stairwell, just about to knock on the door.

"Elladan! Mae govannen," I said, suprised.

"Mae govannen, mellonamin," he answered back. I stepped back to let him into my room and closed to door behind him, frowning slightly at his serious expression. "Are you sure you have to do this?" he asked me.

I smiled, slightly exasperated. Both Arwen and Elrohir had come to me within the last couple days to confront me about my decision to aid Aragorn, Mireclya, and the Hobbits. "Elladan, now is not the time to be concernced for my safety. You said it yourself all those years ago - That I was a warrior, and that you knew I would always be safe, no matter where I was."

Elladan smiled sheepishly, but I knew he had more to say, because his expression was not relieved. I set my pack down and removed my bow, quiver, and sword from my back.

"What's wrong, mellon?" I asked quietly. I stepped closer to him.

"I want you to know that - just -" He crossed the small space between us and gave me a hug. Surprised at the gesture, but grateful all the same, I returned the embrace. "We all care for you, Oreldes. Your purpose as a warrior in our army may be finished, but you will always be a warrior in your own life. Your friends are hoping for you. You may have fought armies, but the Ringwraiths are relentless for they follow orders of the Dark Lord."

Elladan pulled out from the hug and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Good luck."

I nodded to him, smiled, and pulled my weapons back on. "Namärie (farewell), Elladan."

"Nay, Oreldes. Tenna' ento lye omenta. (Until we next meet.)"

"Right. Tenna' san'. (Until then.)"

I walked out of my room and down the stairs of my building, out into the tentatively warm air of Viresse (April).

When I stepped into the barn, all the horses nickered. Guldurelon and Seregon still had not returned; it was only the second day, so they should return two days from now, when I was scheduled to arrive at Amon Súl. Instead, I brought the strongest, kindest three horses I could find that would react kindly to the Hobbits' prescence and could carry a full grown man and a Hobbit : Berenor, a dapple grey gelding; Faervel, a dun gelding; and Thangurêl, a blood bay mare.

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