Prologue -

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Five years ago, Tom Parker had it all.

He had the girlfriend, the daughter and the life he always wanted. Then it all changed and he lost everything because he was stupid enough to throw it all away.

Rachel had told him to move on, to be happy with his life, but that never happened.

Instead, he took to getting drunk every night. Sleeping with any woman he could get his hands on. And ignoring his own daughter, leaving her in the capable hands of Nathan.

Rachel had tried to make him change, tried to make him listen, but he was having none of it.

He either wanted Rachel, or he was going to carry on destroying his life - Nathan had even told Rachel that she should go back to Tom, to save him from himself, to get his life back on track; but she refused to leave and throw away everything they had built up over the past five years.

Nathan had got himself an evening job while Rachel worked during the day. Stephanie had started school and was loving every second of it. Nathan had even asked Rachel to marry him and they were in the process of planning their wedding.

But, when Tom goes too far one night and ends up hospital after a three day drinking session, will Rachel finally agree to go back to him and help him before it's too late?

Hey guys,

So, here it is, the sequel to Falling For Mr.Parker which some of you wanted.

Let me know what you think of it and if you like where it's going. If you like it, then give me a vote please, maybe you could help me get 6 votes? Anyway, hope you enjoy it and will look forward to reading this as much as you did Falling For Mr.Parker.

Thanks for reading. Love you all.


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