Eleven -

440 24 18

Tom's POV -

I read the letter over more than once, just to make sure I had read it correctly - all this, kidnapping my daughter and taking the girl that I loved, was all some sick revenge plan. 

They took my child because they knew it would make me come for them, and they knew how angry it would make me when I found out that they had her. An innocent four year old that had done absolutely nothing to anyone was being punished because her dad was too much of a twat to learn when to stop.


That's just not even right. They really need some help if they think going round kidnapping children is the answer to all their problems and if they think it's going to make me feel any less angry towards them. 

I read the letter once more, just to be even more sure I had understood every word, before I went after the people who had done this to my family.


As you now know, we have not only the woman you love, but we also have your daughter - don't worry, she just happened to be there when we took Rachel, but she does make this situation a whole lot more interesting.

We want revenge and this seems like an appropriate way in which to get that revenge; so if you ever want to see your family alive again, then you will do exactly as you are told to do. 

You will not tell your friends or family about this.

You will not inform the police.

And you will not come looking for them until we give you the go ahead to do so.

You've played so many games with us in the past, it's time that you played our game and see if you like it. Play correctly and you get your family back in one piece, break the rules and you'll find out what it's like to have your heart broken and head messed with at the same time - only much more painful than the time you lost Rachel.

First part of the game - you are to go to Jay, and you are to tell him everything that has happened to you so far and you must also tell him how you feel about Rachel. His house has been bugged, so don't try anything funny.

Good luck Tom. I do hope you win.

Signed L, N and C

I tried to convince myself that this was some sort of sick joke, but I couldn't make myself believe something that wasn't true. These people had my family and, if I didn't play their stupid little game, then who knows what they would do to them just to prove their point to me.


I knocked on the door to Jay's place and waited for him to answer - I had no idea why they would send me here when me and Jay didn't really get along with each other. Sure, he came to see me in prison and everythingm but that didn't mean that he liked me and it didn't mean that he wanted anything to do with me now I've been released.

"Oh." was all Jay said as he stood there and looked at me, obviously not impressed to see me here.

"Look, I need to see you." I said.

"I don't want to see you. Good bye Tom." Jay replied as he went to close the door in my face.

"RachelandStephhavebeenkidnapped..." I said quickly, just to see if he would listen to me, or if he hated me that much he wasn't going to bother helping me.


"Rachel and Steph. They've been kidnapped and, if I don't do as I've been instructed to do, then they're going to make sure I never see either of them again." I sighed, showing Jay the letter that I had read not fifteen minutes before I arrived here; this was probably the first time in a long time that Jay had bothered to listen to me and what I had to say.

"Who the hell are N, L and C?" Jay questioned.

"I've got no idea. All I know is that I've had two different phone calls today telling me what to do, then I read this letter and now I've got no idea what I'm supposed to do." 

"You need to tell the police, they'll be able to find them and make sure whoever is behind this is made to pay." Jay insisted as he walked slightly out of his flat and pulled the door closed behind him so that we could finish this conversation.

"Didn't you read that part of the letter. I've got to do this myself because I'm not letting my family get hurt again." I panicked, snatching the letter back from Jay's hand and pushing it into the pocket of the jacket I happened to be wearing.

"And how are you going to do that then?" 

"I'm going to play their game and I'm going to do everything they tell me to do."

"And what if you end up dead?" Jay pointed out, and I had considered that as an option, but it didn't bother me. All I cared about was the safety of Rachel and Steph, and I would do anything to make sure they were never hurt by anyone and I would do everything to make sure I didn't die and I got to see them both again.

"As long as Rachel and Steph as safe, I really don't care." I replied.

"You really do love her, don't you?" Jay asked.

"I never stopped loving her, but she's happy with Nathan and I'm not going to take that away from her."

"And what about the drinking? Are you going to fall back into that habit again?" 

"After the warning I had, I don't think I'll be spending three days out drinking ever again. And, I've spoken to a counsellor, realised that the reason for my drinking was Rachel so, if I allow her to move on and accept she's never coming back to me, then I won't feel the need to drink every single night." I answered, before I remembered that they had said Jay's house was bugged and, if they were telling the truth, then that means they've just heard me saying it's Rachel's fault and, if they did that, then that means they're going to let Rachel listen to that and she'll know the one that that I wanted to keep from her more than anything.


I was such an idiot when I wanted to be, and it wasn't going to help me at a time like this.

"So, you're blaming Rachel for your problem?" Jay asked.

"No, I'm not blaming Rachel at all, I'm just saying that because I couldn't find it in me to move on from Rachel that led to me drinking and sleeping with women because I wanted to forget, and I wanted to be happy. But that never worked anyway." I sighed, if she was going to hear me saying all of this, then she might as well hear the truth and then she can hate me all the she wants; I'll deserve everything that she throws at me once this is all over.

"So, I guess we had better do something to save the woman that you love and the child who wants her dad back." Jay smiled, his attitude seemingly changing towards me as soon as he found out how I really felt.

"You're actually going to help me?" I asked in shock.

"Look, you made a mistake and now you realise that, you can start to fix it. Love isn't an emotion you can just switch off when you've had enough of it, it's always going to be there and if you've loved Rachel for all this time, despite sleeping with all those other women and nearly drinking yourself to your grave, then there may be a chance for you to get her back." Jay said as he continued to smile at me.

"You really think me, Rachel and Steph could be a proper family?" I checked aas Jay locked the door to his place and indicated for me to walk in the direction of town.

"If you do this and prove you love her, than I really believe you could be a proper family." Jay replied and that gave me the hope that I really needede at that point, and there was no way I was going to give up the fight now.

Not when I was this close and everything I loved was on the line. 

I was going to play their stupid little game and I was going to win. For the first time, in a long time, I actually had something to prove and I had something to fight for.

I would have to be a complete idiot to throw that away again.

This L, and this N, and this C persons had no idea what was coming their way. 

No idea whatsoever!

Fatal Error [Sequel to Falling For Mr.Parker]Where stories live. Discover now